“In your opinion, what activity is more conducive to building expertise, education on the topic or experience in the field? Why?” @mackenziejones
I think that both educational and experience in the field are both essential for building expertise. If I had to chose which was more conductive to building expertise, I would say that experience in the field is the more important. This is because experience in the field involves education in a more dynamic way. Experience in the field includes a hands on experience which allows learning in a physical way. I believe this type of learning is the best way to breach the gap between learning the information versus understanding the information. If you look at doctors, after they get done with their education they have to do internship and residencies before they become an attendee. This shows how the experience in the field in addition to addition is highly valued in society. Additionally, I see experience in the field as the separating factor between experts and others in their field. Everyone can learn the information needed in a field, so not only education alone can create experts, otherwise we would have a plethora of experts.