Week 10 Response -- Reasons for Google's Relentlessness

in #gradnium3 years ago

This post is a response to the question "It has been known for years that Google collects and shares their user's data. Why do you think Google has not stopped sharing data, or why has the search engine not been shut down?"
One main reason for Google's capability to share users' data is the lack of punishment they receive. Many people are all bark and no bite; they complain about Google sharing their data but use it everyday. It is a difficult position for users because our society has become so centered around technology that daily life with search engines like Google is unfathomable. With more than 8.5 billion searches a day, Google has immense power over the internet, the market, and the modern civilian. (Mohsin) Because it dominates our lives, there is not much the government can do without receiving backlash from others. Additionally, as discussed before, with as large as Google is, there can be simple negotiation that can be done with the government to prevent Google from being reprimanded for sharing users' data. Another reason for the ongoing data sharing by Google is that they are not the only ones who benefit from it. Based on the user's data, Google can release certain ads from sponsors based on the user's preferences. This can entice the user into buying the product or service, and Google gets the ad money while the company gets the sales from the product. Another party who benefits from Google gathering users' data is the government. In Google's privacy policy, it is stated that user data will be shared if they "receive government requests to share data for legal reasons." (Avast) Because the government can utilize this data, there is even less motivation for them to censor Google and what they release. Finally, users can benefit from released data too. The invasion of privacy may seem uncomfortable, but many enjoy seeing a product recommended to them based on their searches. In conclusion, Google has incredible power over the entire world, but the entire world generally does not mind this power they wield.

Image Source posed by @joshweertman.