This post is in response to @hattiehughs14 asked. She asked, "In your opinion should the US force everyone to have healthcare?" In my opinion, the answer is no. I have always been a believer of limited government in the affairs of citizens. Personally, I don't like being forced to do anything. I like to be able to make decisions for myself. However, I do think that having access to healthcare is very important. I would like all citizens to be able to have equal access to health care resources. Where I draw the line, is being forced. Like I said, no one should be forced to do anything. I like being able to have the access to health care, but I think that if I was forced to have health care, I would do anything in my power to avoid it. If we were forced to have health care and our government forced us, it would make me wonder how good the health care truly is. Personally, I have always thought that the government doesn't truly care about us. So, in my opinion, if they forced us to have health care, chances are they would force us to have health care they created. One must wonder about the quality of the health care. Like I said, with the health care I have now, I am not forced to have it. I try to stay pretty healthy most of the time and only go to the doctors as I need to. I enjoy having this luxury. To reiterate, I would avoid health care if I was forced to have it. It's kind of like when kids are required by their parents to do something, the child doesn't want to do it. When I was younger, my parents forced me to go to Kumon. Kumon is a tutoring service that deals with math and other subjects. Since I was forced, I absolutely hated to do it. I would procrastinate the work and get angry when I had to do it. This is how I imagine people would act if they were forced to have health care. I want to also mention again that I believe health care is important for everyone to have, but no one should be forced.