This post is a response to the question [“Is it even possible to solve poverty?"] ( posted by @darevan
What is Extreme Poverty
Extreme poverty lies upon a spectrum. What extreme poverty to one person in the US could equate to what middle class is to someone in another country. By US standards I would define extreme poverty as a needs and economical based objective. For example, not owning a home, having a job, or a stable flow of food. In my eyes, extreme poverty looks like a dystopian world but in a much more condensed radius of a city. Cities are notorious for shifting their hot spots leaving the existing buildings and people behind to rebuild new infrastructure to a higher standard of living. This shift of economics and social "safety" results in extreme poverty. When buildings begin to become run down or amenities are moved further from an existing city, people of higher economical status will inevitably move to these new locations to be closer to their jobs leaving behind a "broken" city that becomes an isolated place of poverty.
Can We Solve Poverty?
I do not believe that we can solve extreme poverty. No matter what laws or rules that we implement into society there will also be a group of people who will still have a more difficult time than the majority. It is inevitable that the ladder of "success" and wealth is at a constant rate of change. As the economy fluctuates and increases through the years, it increasingly raises the difficulty for the "poor" to rise economically. We can give stipends and allowances, yet cities and the physical objects around us still tarnish. By my definition of extreme poverty, without the upkeeping of buildings and physical things around us, there is no way we can solve extreme poverty. We are stuck in a constant loop of the old deteriorating and the new arising. It is possible if we can solve the physical view of poverty that we can solve the economical side of poverty as well. The environment that we are surrounded by has a huge impact on our social and economic status that we as a society view acceptable or not.