Week 10 Response -- Machines as Humans

in #gradnium3 years ago (edited)

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This post is a response to the question [“Do you think it is possible for machines to completely replace humans in any way?"] (https://www.proofofbrain.blog/eee3031-930/@stonemasoner/week-10-questions-artificial-intelligence-and-the-future-of-society) posted by @stonemasoner

Machines and Jobs
With respect to replacing humans from a labor aspect, I strongly believe that machines could completely replace humans. As long as engineers have the correct coding and patterns set, a machine can complete any job that a human can do. If a machine can produce ten times more than one human can produce in a day why wouldn't any cooperation want to swap humans for machines? As society begins to shift to the digital age, more technology becomes convenient for everyone. People now are more inclined to go to a mobile check-in kiosk to avoid human interaction than go to the counter. Ordering online replaces the need of store owners and then automated cars solve the need for taxi or truck drivers. I believe that the internet will expand to lengths in which everything in the world can be synced up. Technology will continue to create more convenience for humans and eventually, people will not have to work long hours anymore. Currently, push-in technology is benefiting our economy yet hurting humans socially. With that being said, do I fully believe that machines can replace humans totally, no? Machines do not have the same neurons, dopamine, and serotonin that humans do therefore, cannot fully begin to process the same experiences that we as humans do. To make business deals and movements that change the world takes emotion and empathy. Things that machines deduce down to probability.

If Machines Develop Emotions
Something that I have been skeptical about for some time is the thought of AI's developing emotions and a sense of empathy. What does that mean for humans if AI's can cope and think for themselves? If this theory were to come true then it may be possible that they could completely replace humans. If machines take over all the labor in the world then people would inevitably become better and the thing that they enjoy. They would have more time to focus on themselves which would also lead to inevitable boredom.