Week 11 Response -- Human Healthcare

in #gradnium3 years ago

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This post is a response to the question [“Is healthcare a human right, a service, or both? Why is this distinction important?"] (https://www.proofofbrain.blog/week-11/@haydenhirzel12/week-11-questions-universal-healthcare) posted by @haydenhirzel12

I believe that healthcare is a basic human right. The right to obtain medicine to combat infections and diseases should be something that every human has the right to access. If someone in low income does not have the funds to receive cold medicine, then I believe that they should have other means to obtain the medicine or some form of evaluation of health. Humans are humans no matter their social or economical status. As healthcare stands currently I believe that is a service because things that are needed to have equity with life are not met for everyone such as glasses, cold medicine, and general antibiotics. These are all things in life that people need to function a healthy life and it is not something that is specialized. Specialized medical inquires are things that I can see being less accessible since it is such a specialized service and take years of medical school to combat. The distinction between the two is important because without it out, there will continue to be people who cannot afford glasses to see every day which may, in turn, limit the type of jobs that they can apply for. By distinctly stating which is a human right and a service I believe that it would help the overall economic status of the country because the people are gaining equity and have an increased potential to work for places that they couldn't before.


It is very interesting (and insightful) that you distinguish between different types of health care (i.e. general and specific) in answering this question.

I look forward to an expanded discussion about this in class this week.