Week 15 Response -- Trust Me I Am THE Expert on Experts

in #gradnium3 years ago (edited)

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This post is a response to the question [“Why should people listen to experts but not treat their words as final and concrete??"] (https://www.proofofbrain.blog/gradnium/@dilucadomain/week-15-questions-why-we-should-value-expertise-but-fear-expert-power) posted by @dilucadomain

People should listen to experts but not treat their words as final and concrete because every person's opinion is different. To start we should define what expert means. "A person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area" (Google). This is a person who I would say has educational knowledge on a subject and has completed extensive research and has had education on the subject as well. They typically have a job in their field of study and know the ins and outs of the particular subject. They do however, still have a baias point of view on the subject. No matter how trained and "expert" they are on a subject, all humans are humans and all humans have morals. These morals can change the way that an individual views a subject and can therefore effect the way that things are said or presented to someone else. Experts although they can back most of their information with facts, can at times be pulling this information to back their views. Now, this isn't to discredit experts. If I were to go to the doctor and they were to tell me that I had chronic bronchitis, I would not hesitate to follow their instructions on how to proceed from there. However, if I were to talk to a politician about a social matter or anything relating to the laws I would definitely still do my research to find out my own facts about the situation. In those cases, I would take in what the politician, the expert, told me but also listen and find out what other experts were saying about the same situation. In short, I guess experts can vary and depending on what the subject matter is can determine how much trust you may put into someone. Experts know their stuff, but other experts in the same field also know their stuff as well.


This is very true @jacewat. There will always be a spectrum of view on any particular issue and that is why people get second opinions in critical medical cases or on serious legal matters because different experts have different views and those views are partly molded by their studies, their own experience in their field and the values/morals that guide them every day. I do find it amusing that you used the politician as your example of an expert that you would definitely not take at face value lols. I think this is one example that most people would agree with you, regardless of what side of the divide/argument they may fall on. Nice article. !PIZZA


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