Week 09 Response -- Is There A Solution to Poverty?

in #gradnium3 years ago

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This entry is a response to the question, "Is there a solution to poverty?" posed by @llyran-noble.

There is not a universal solution to poverty applicable to all, however, there are intentional actions people can act upon to dig themselves out of financial instability. According to the Poverty Cure documentary, most people believe foreign handouts are the solution to poverty. After many studies, researchers are discovering handouts are actually hurting developing nations more than they are helping them. The longer these countries receive free handouts, the more reliant they become on the help; developing nations will never learn how to grow their enterprise on their own. In order to reverse the unintentional harm of handouts, foreign aid organizations can instead give financial aid to small businesses in developing countries. This way, local enterprise begins to develop and support one another to continue economic growth. Another strategy towards ending poverty includes seeking, "job makers" over, "job seekers." Finding the, "job makers" in underdeveloped countries not only increases economic activity and small business development, but it additionally creates more employment opportunities for the society to benefit as a whole. Increasing permanent tactics towards ending poverty rather than temporary aid is the closest strategy our world can implement in order to eventually end poverty.

Source: Scionka, S. (2016). It's time to Rethink Poverty. Povertycure. from https://www.povertycure.org/.