This entry is in response to the question, "Does free health care actually exist?" posed by @anniebburg.
Free healthcare does not exist. Regardless of the patient's ending bill, someone has to pay for every source of medical care. Universal healthcare is often misunderstood to be the same thing as free healthcare, however in reality, the bill is just covered by the government rather than the patient. Although having the government paying for everyone's healthcare sounds ideal, the money they use to cover such expensive bills comes from programs funded by taxpayer money. There is simply no way for healthcare to become completely free for everyone; despite universal healthcare's best efforts, the expenses of healthcare come for a reason. In order to sustain quality care, the medical field must remain competitive and relevant to our world today. Upholding the medical field's innovative reputation comes at a high cost in order to give the world's health its best chance; transitioning the costs towards the government means cutting the budget (prohibiting raises in medical professional's salaries) and eventually limiting medical development over time.