Universal Basic Income (UBI) is code word for tyranny. Implementing it would require a complete re-engineering the economy. Income is meaningless unless the income is sufficient to purchase the necessities of life. Prices are set by supply and demand. Unless there were enough productive people actually doing and making things prices would rise rendering the basic income insufficient.
The way human nature works , people will only produce as long as they see a return. IF not enough things are made the result of UBI would be to plunge most of the population into poverty because the things they need would be in short supply.
UBI is also a threat to freedom, political power is built upon economic power. in a world of UBI most of the population would be totally dependent on the state who would control the payments. Further the state could impose any conditions it wanted in order for the the payments to be made. Political leanings, number of children, vaccination status could all be conditions of being fed and housed.
It would be a grave error to treat UBI like some kind of benevolent welfare programme. It would amount to a complete state takeover of the economy as the state could not only control how much was paid out, even where and with whom the money is spent.
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