So last time I go errors in which I didn't know how to put my password in the code, but in the last couple of weeks I figured out that anything I typed wouldn't be shown for security in case my screen is being screen-shared.
While I did figure out how to input my password, whenever I did, it gave the error "beemapi.exceptions.UnkownKey: unknown key:unknown key:".
It seems like I couldn't just put my posting key in when prompted, but the computer has to have my account in order for me to post, at least that is what I think. The easiest way for the computer to do things with my account was for me to add it into the python project file, which worked with transactions, but when I tried to do it, I couldn't figure out how to interact with the code that was already written in the project. This means I have to add it some other way, but I don't know how to do it.
discord and got to know that not all accounts are on the testnet, which is the reason this is not working.@veryjerry3 we're using the public testnet here, (client = Hive( '')). I checked this with the hive community on