As part of Surfaces, 2 more street-artists Roadworth & Shalak Attak.
Violeta's Bear - Shalak Attak
Place des Arts, Montréal, Canada
Viaglyphic - Roadsworth
Shalak Attak
Born in Montreal to Chilean parents, Shalak Attak received her diploma in Studio Arts at Concordia University (Montreal). She collaborated with many artists all around the world combining the spirit of South American muralism with contemporary street-art.
"We Humans are not above nature, but we are part of its immense biodiversity" - Shalak Attak
The Sisters Triptic III, spraypaint & acrylic on Canvas
Otro Espiritu, spraypaint & acrylic on canvas, 2015
Peter Gibson aka Roadsworth began his career of street artist in 2001 in the streets of Montreal to challenge the car culture.
"The essence of street art can't be reproduced in a context of a legal exhibition. This doesn't mean that there is no value to authorized urban art, such as mural art, but I don't consider it to be truly street art" - Roadsworth
Jellyfish, Denver (US)
Full Asphalt Jacket
During Surfaces, 16 street artists presented their works in October on the Place des Arts. You can see the two first posts :
Shalak Attak
My Old Posts about Street Art
#100 Garbage Beauty, Montreal, Canada)
#099 Big Maské, Zorm & Alex Nihilo, Lyon, France
#098 Invader, Lyon, France
#097 Mr Tymone, Lyon, France
#096 Mister LucaT, Paris, France
Bonus Video
Shalak Attack in São Paulo
Love the road art. I agree with statement on "authorized" street art. And the Shalak Attak work is beautiful. The bear and panther are gorgeous. Not often street art is this pretty.
Yep, authorized street art and street art are two completely different types. Street art is often forbidden and in the work you see the sense of urgency (speed of gesture...) to finish it before someone comes
Way cool! Thanks for sharing!
You're welcome
thanks for sharing