Hell, i've watched a LOT of timelapse videos. And i mean a LOT. And this is by far and away in the top 5 of all that i've seen. They way you alter the speed of pan across the sky is just a great innovation.
May I ask what slider rail you are using? I've been building my own for a while now but wondering if it's just worth purchasing one myself as i'm keen to get into creating my own stuff.
Hi Mark, thank you so much for your comment, so glad you enjoy my work! Your asking the right man about gear:) I have used all sorts of sliders from almost every company out there. I think my favorite one for travel right now is the dynamic perception stage one (link below). If I have a shoot that I can bring my truck to I use the dynamic perception stage zero as you just cant beat how solid it is, and you can make it really long by buying slabs of 80/20 on amazon for it. Making your own slider would be a fun challenge, but might not be worth your time. A cheep way to go would be to buy the stage one kit form dynamic perception and then get the 80/20 rail for it on amazon.
As far as motion controllers for the rail, you need to save up for the Emotimo Spectrum. I have been working for them helping to develop their products for 5 years now. It simply can not be beat in terms of ease of use and how solid it is. Its all controlled with a ps4 Controller ! Check out this promo video I shot for them featuring the spectrum -
Hope that all helps and let me know if you have any more questions! Love to nerd out on gear.
Im pretty much there on getting my own slider working. The great thing is that i can program it to do whatever i want
Has links to the first 4 bits and the last bit i did was
Need to get my arse in gear and finish it off but steemit is taking all my time right now :)