Electrical Phenomenon Fills UK Skies | Grand Solar Minimum

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Lightning storm is an understatement that came over the UK described as supernatural by many in the accounts. 60,000 strikes in a 24 hour period at the minimum and what you’re looking at is Earth’s atmosphere trying to equalize charge with our Sun as it steps down in it’s 400 years Grand Solar Minimum decreased activity state.

Images are spectacular. If you watch the videos it is more than a strobe light, it goes on for hours and hours and hours, this ground to sky lightning, horizontal lightning, sparkler lightning, and any types of lightning, that’s possible to be out there.

I love how they just put, it’s an “electrical storm”.

The ferocity of this has so far been unequaled or unmatched.

The descriptions coming again are just breathtaking on how they described it.

Over here on severe weather EU 388,000 flashes strikes from the Mediterranean over to the UK.

There was so much horizontal Lightning going out in this spider filament pattern that was seen, hundreds of times.

That seemed to be the norm of the electrical discharges from the sky. Buildings struck again and again and again across the city of London.

Everywhere you look you got these filamentary lightning displays.

I want to try to explain it in a simplified easy way to understand why Earth’s atmosphere is so electrically charged, and why this is becoming the norm across the planet along with these massive hails. The once in a two or three hundred year flood event that now seems to be occurring weekly.

You’re going to start to see more of this in our skies, when you start to look back at ancient petroglyphs, if this were to stay up into the sky longer, you would start to see what they were trying to represent that they saw in the skies. Petroglyphs are plasma in our skies the ancient cultures witnessed.

What’s surprising to me is how UK streets can fill this deep with water.

Still baffling how fast these floods are coming up in major metropolitan areas.

It just wasn’t the UK either, take to look at Spain, France and Italy where other huge hail events occurred during the same time. Now you see southern England over there getting pounded electrically.

It didn’t stop there either these massive floods in Germany, it’s the third year in a row that we’ve seen these types of unbelievable, what’s considered once in a 100 or 200 year event keep rolling again and again across Germany.

If you’re looking for uptick, some areas on the map that are going to continue intensify as the Grand solar minimum increases its intensity. Germany is absolutely a space on the map you would need to mark along with France.

Let’s talk about the French hail storms, it’s not just France, you’ve seen this again and again over the last years, massively deep hail from anywhere from ankle to waist-deep hail which is not normal. If the media tries to convince you otherwise, you know that it’s a snow job, all pun intended.

Within these larger hail events you’ll start to see larger hail as well, which means stronger updrafts that are allowing these hailstones to get so large.

I want to explain the timeline moving forward, and also why these incredible lighting, hail and wind events are happening. You can get a good gauge of what is happening and explain it to other people.

The first taking a look at the timeline, this is based on ZHARKOV, SHEPHARD, ZHARKOVA and POTPOV’s work double Dynamo in the Sun. Magnetic field canceling waves in all four fields are going out of phase this time in the Sun.

The timeline stands, the wider the wave becomes, the more intense the weather becomes. We’re at 2018 approximately in the middle right where the green starts, solar cycle 25 really hasn’t started yet we’re still at the end of solar cycle 24.

Taking a look out into the next 40 years of cooling, that will envelop our planet. As we step down an electrical activity from the Sun, our Earth is going to match that.

This is in our local inner solar system neighborhood, but we also need to think further out into the heliosphere, when the solar wind creates different effects that are allowing more galactic cosmic rays into our own solar system plus the Sun itself with its cosmic rays.

Electric Universe (EU) explains this clearly as the model the way the universe works and operates. Center in the Sun, those loops coming out are magnetic field lines. Denser north-south pole, red lines coming in, those are the field aligned currents. Now notice how electrically an electromagnetically our Earth also is right in that Taurus wave coming off of the Sun’s magnetic field lines. This is what drives our magnetosphere on our planet that gives us the poles that makes your compass work N/S. That’s the reason we have magnetism on our Earth is because of what you see in this representation here.

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This same particle charge is what gives Earth the aurora on our poles. Do you think these magnetic field lines is dispersed into space and just wander into nothingness from our earth? Absolutely not they’re connected back to the Sun.

The Sun is the largest thing in our solar system when a wide that out so you can really see what I mean. Our Sun is 1.2 million times larger than the Earth. Looking at this representation here the Sun is absolutely so small in comparison to what we really have in our solar system. If we brought it out to true scale our earth would be almost invisible at literally a pinprick dot lying next to the Sun.

When I talk about the auroras, everything is connected back to the sunny electromagnetically. So when our Sun is stepping down in charge when it’s going through this 400 year cycle, some say 2,000 years, some say 3,600 year cycle of solar activity is decreasing. Our Earth needs to decrease its state as well, it’s overcharged if you will because the Sun’s decreasing activity state on these longer multi-century / multi-millennia cycles.

Our Earth still has a full charge, it needs to let some of that electricity go through the atmosphere and atmospheric boundary at space. This is what you’re seeing in the skies and it is going to intensify and amplify through these next few years. This is why you’re seeing such ferocious electrical storms and such highly charged weather fronts.

Because the cloud patterns are driven by this the same electromagnetic effect, these cloud cells that you see along the equatorial bands forming the “doldrums” what you see in the “polar regions”, it’s all driven and held in place or allowed to wander because of our “magnetosphere” at the current time which is weakening. Jet streams and cloud bands / cells are absolutely going out of their normal flows, they were locked in tight when the magnetosphere was highly charged, now it’s going to a 400-year low so you can expect our jet streams to wander, cloud patterns to move and seasons to be mixed up. This is what’s happening and they don’t want to talk about in the media.

When we look at the time line, the simplest way to explain it is the wider the wave gets the more intense our weather is going to get. We’re coming into an incredible ramp up, effects that you’ll see across the planet. Weather-wise that green line pretty much splits exactly where July 2018 to the end of 2018 is, and then you can see we continue into 2019 2020 with more amplification.

This weird weather you’ve seen in the last six months is just a little tiny ramp up from 2017 to 2018. This is the state of our climate, this is what’s driving our climate.

Thanks for watching, I hope you get a better idea of why these Electric Skies are now pervading our planet, and why the storms are getting so ferocious and so intense with a larger hail. It can be really easy explained if you understand that is truly not co2, that it is our Sun.

Links to all of the articles in the video

ADAPT 2030 Mini Ice Age 2015–2035 Series on YouTube


Lightning Strikes UK http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-44269304



Hail Images https://twitter.com/severeweatherEU

Earth as a Transformer


In the cosmic universe everything is interconnected http://www.ice-age-ahead-iaa.ca/4/electric_evidence.html


Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast is available on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio and Libsyn


Great post! Thank you!
Also check out Rolf Witzsche. Long but worth the time, excellent info.