Manam Eruption Anomalies & Massive Wheat Declines Globally

As a censorship continues to cross the planet — silenced voices which deliver alternative opinions on reasons your food prices are rising and that we’re in multi-century duration climate cycles, you’ll understand my reasoning for starting the ADAPT 2030 “BITCHUTE” channel. I’m using this as a backup channel and I’m also getting a private server setup so I can continue to bring you this information in case other venues go down.

Let’s talk about Papua New Guinea, volcano erupts sending ash 50,000 feet above sea level. Notice on the right where the ash Falls were so heavy that trees broke under the weight. This is from the Rabaul Volcano Observatory otherwise known as RVO, that’s what they said in their information bulletin, trees broke under the ash weight.

These are the images circulating around, not only social media, but the legacy controlled mainstream media, and it’s always this one image. You think in this day and age with all these people that they would have more images coming out of the eruption area. I don’t care if it’s a grainy image off an old phone, but you think there would be more images than this one. Thousands of villagers rescue workers, aid workers, and this is the only one image we get out of the event.

Let me bring you over here to Manam, Papua New Guinea, east of Indonesia, that large island Irian Jaya split in half, half Indonesia, half Papua New Guinea. You can see on the map where it is, look at the volcano that large indentation exactly in the center is from the 2005 eruption.

The pin is the location of the volcano, just offshore.

First reported by the Red Cross, but also picked up by Volcano Discovery, and Radio New Zealand picking it up, but it seems to be just these same one or two images circulating around the net.

Left side is the satellite image, right side is that same one with the lava coming out, Left image, yellow is the coastline and it sure looks like a lot of that dark brown at the bottom northeast seems to be the ash.

What’s so interesting, volcanologists said they went up here and got these live shots of the eruption with a helicopter of the volcano. Remember the Volcano Observatory said that so many trees were covered and crushed from the heavy dense ash, you know what I see, a bunch of trees that are uncovered. How is this eruption so violent sending ash 50 thousand feet into the air just the day before yesterday, bet there’s no fallout and they’re up there with helicopters and everything’s looking hunky-dory, something is very amiss with this story that’s all I’m going to say about it.

Mainstream legacy-controlled media showing us this satellite image from Manam, it doesn’t have a date on it but the cloud pattern is completely different from the prior one that you saw. Somehow it seems like two different sets of satellite images also included in the stories circulating around, not really sure how largest volcanic eruption was, there’s a clear effort to keep it just reigned into the tightest amount of information spread.

Volcano Discovery showing you 2005 had a major eruption on that same volcano sending ash up 60 to 70,000 feet. Why would that matter? Well, ash cover blocks sunlight, sunlight effects our crops equaling “a year without a summer”. Ever heard of that Tambora eruption? One of those events.

Here’s a startling headline “Global Wheat Supply Falls to Crisis Levels, Countries Begin Stockpiling”. You knew this was coming from a couple of years ago, now it’s in play. Lowest levels of stockpiles are booked into the silos since 2007 and 2008. That spurred the food crisis and all ignited the call for regime change across the Middle East. I know it was a convenient excuse, 30 year dictators wiped out left right and center, there was a lot of political maneuvering as well with countries who wanted to move away from the US dollar and use Gold Backed Reserve Currencies of their own issuance. Nevertheless, the excuse was food prices. Now we’re at that point again, no doubt, rising food prices, so I’m wondering what’s going to go on politically around these same regions, areas, countries that also were very unstable during the last food crisis and rising prices?

Looking at the USDA report, total grains. Zoom into the 2017, 2018, and 2019, totals for the entire world. Last year had 560 million tons in the ending stocks, but then they projected out 2018–19, I don’t know how they could do that before you even plant, they already know how much is going to be harvested a full year in advance, plus, plus. They’re still quoting 522 million tons, that’s 40 million tons down, that’s even before they plant this next year. Incredible how they could have such a crystal ball to go out and see that. Totals there down, down, down, this would be expected as a catalyst for your food price rises.

If we’re just going to take a look at the United States itself, wheat 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 that same era run, 32 million tons all the way down to 25 million tones. Looks like some of the global producers are going to have a little difficulty. I don’t know why the ending stocks are going to be so low, unless they’re pulling out of the silos and the production is not going to be there, and they’re just not telling the average citizen because they don’t want to panic the public.

Continuing with the article, this is another game-changer here, China’s not going to export anything, they’re holding all of what they grow because they’re in a massive drought up north up and around Heilongjiang. China is going to be trying to import as much as they can to offset the losses in the drought, that means I, highlighted in blue, just eight major exporters will be left with 20% of the world’s stocks, down a third from a decade ago. That decade ago is exactly the same time with food crisis etc. across the Middle East & North Africa.

Continuing with the article and where it gets incredibly interesting, this is why a lot of censorship is coming and why there’s been a massive push to try to limit voices. This is the information that changes our society right here. We’re about to come into a global civilization shaking next 24 months. Wheat prices already at four year highs, $5.93 a bushel. That’s expected to climb to at least $13–14 again during these next 12 months. If you take a page out of the history book generally, wheat and barley prices at least quadrupled during the Maunder Minimum. Is it going to quadruple off the $13 dollar price? Is it going to double again to $25 and then quadruple to be $100 dollars? We just don’t know yet.

Anyway, let’s talk about some of the major exporters that are having a very difficult time this year producing; Australia is going to have almost no production, Canada severely limited, I’m going to say 50% of what they normally produce. EU depends where you go, Germany for an example 25 year lows, UK forty year lows, Kazakhstan, Russia and the Ural Mountains, how about Ukraine? United States unbelievable down 80% in its Kansas wheat output, Totals are not even putting South Africa in now, South Africa is almost going to ZERO with the political turmoil down there, and you’re wondering why your food prices are rising.

Mainstream controlled legacy media is going to continue to tell you it’s CO2, but it’s not. It’s a cycle in our Sun on a 400 year cycle. Go back to the Maunder Minimum and see what happened then 1640’s, this is what they’re trying to keep out of your news feed, crop losses.

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We talk about effects in the Sun, the vibrational frequency is changing because of changes in the Sun energetic output. Citizens are starting to rise up and take back their own sovereignty, and when they start to combine together as a group of citizens trying to take back their sovereignty for their nation or themselves, this is what you get; Russia’s Agriculture Ministry meeting grain traders, because citizens and the grain industry within Russia said “You know what meat production costs are getting too high, cost of animal feed is getting too high, you are not going to export our food out of this country.”

You’re starting to see this a lot, this is going to be the copy-paste globally. When rationing and shortages start, people are going to start looking for secondary or tertiary suppliers, they’re just not going to be there, then no supply, prices up.

Hungry people do strange things, and you wonder why the police state has been set up globally over the last 20 years. Well, this is a reason for it. You wonder why all the regulated speech laws are happening with silencing of voices across social media, they’re trying to cut down everything that’s not under control of legacy, dinosaur outdated mainstream controlled corporate media.

This is the reason the global economy and police planet has been set up since 9/11, it is to control the chaos that’s about to ensue with crisis low levels of grain and food sweeping the planet right now. This is it, we’re here finally this is the point that I’ve been talking about for years on my channel that we would arrive at. We’re here, good luck to you.

Connected stories off here about the global wheat supply central European drought, of course, Austria, Germany, and France terrible production this year almost nothing and if it wasn’t floods, it was hail and if it wasn’t drought, it was massive floods. Fruits gone, vegetables gone, wheat production way down in all those major producers throughout Europe.

Australia worst drought in 116 years, they’re going to be exporting almost ZERO, and going to be importing, because they won’t have any domestic supply after they use up what’s in the silos there. Unprecedented drought in the Koreas, North Korea, South Korea and that whole Heilongjiang area, where China grows its wheat, they’re growing very little up there this year because of this massive drought. Erratic seasons are devastating crops around the world, that’s kind of an understatement, and we have dinosaur media saying 70% crop losses in Australia/ You know it must be much worse. Wondering why your wine prices are rising, the vineyards across the planet are being decimated, they’re down something like 60% in global production, Peru down 11%.

We were told “Snow Would be a thing of the Past”, Al Gore assured us it would be, and then here’s all the snow occurring in August these last three days. Glacier National Park in the U.S., Banff up in Canada, Alberta mountains, Austria, Germany 40 centimeters of snow, that’s more than a foot, Slovenia and then record snowfalls down in Australia as well.

When you see legacy media putting still images like this in their news feeds, newspapers and websites. “Eat Again” is that a subliminal, that they’re sending you right now? From my eyes, in my rose-colored glasses, I even though I see a world there are massive crop shortages and food price increases on the way, I see the biggest opportunity in human history at your fingertips. If you come at it with opportunity and abundance, trying to help others and provide the most value during these times, you will thrive. Focus on how you can be the catalyst for change for the better as we start into these food price rises, beginning now.

Thanks for reading, hope you got something out of the article. Episode#100 on Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast, I had a great conversation with Astrophysist Piers Corbin about how our global weather will shift over the next five years. Those around you that have been taught global warming is CO2 driven, when the narrative flips and everything they’ve learned about that subject will be tipped upside down, they’re going to have to accept a new reality, and how that’s going to affect their psychology. It’s a deep two episodes.

*** Today’s Story Links ***

Papua New Guinea Eruption

PNG Eruption aftermath

Manam Volcano eruption

Manam volcano eruption ash images

Papua New Guinea volcano: ‘Unusual’ Ring of Fire ERUPTION

Manam Volcano map

Global wheat supply falls to crisis levels — Countries begin stockpiling

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After the recent Pittsburgh shooting... the likes of The Washington Post and Slate publications are now attacking GAB.AI specifically..... for reasons of White Supremacy! I use GAB as it is decentralized and uses the new Blockchain Technology too (which is why I use STEEMIT too) and therefore my views and opinions cannot be silenced! x PS. I have been following you, Diamond and Ice Age Farmer for more than 1 year now... and am trying to prepare for what is to come in the coming years too. I am forever in debt to the 3 of you all!