This is a great indicator of what will happen as Grand Solar Minimum storms intensify. How will our infrastructure cope moving forward, because this is just the beginning of the amplification moving through 2025?

This massive flooding that you have been hearing about across the news media globally is from a Bombogenesis that rolled straight through the center of US.

100 mile-per-hour winds smashing all types of barometric low records, as well as wind velocity or wind speed. This also broke temperature records but most unusually these type of storms occur over the sea, not in the center of the North American Land mass.
Now, if you look straight at the center, then go up a bit, you can see how the storm tapered off through the British Maritimes.

During the most intense part of the storm that set new barometric pressure records, snowfall totals, rainfall totals and wind, what do you think it left across the Midwest US grain growing belt?
Anywhere in purple is massive, massive flooding; reds are what would be considered news making massive floods in their own right; while the oranges would be regional reported flooding.

National Weather Service describing the floods and we see the same word again, historic. Questions is, how big were these floods anyways?

Broken down in this chart here, you can see where the spots for major flooding are, which seemed to be clustered around Nebraska and also over in Iowa. Anywhere with an orange dot would be making the national news due to how large the area it encompassed and affected, that is, if this historic, super flood was not going on.
Minor flooding, on the other hand, will be inconvenient if it goes on for a couple more days.

Nebraska was at a whole different level, overtopping bridges and many rivers reaching all-time ever recorded flood heights.

Broken levees and levee breaches affected farmlands, which means planting will be delayed further again due to these all-time and historic, at least in the last 150 years, floods. This Grand Solar Minimum is going to take us into never before experienced storm events, so we should see more floods of this intensity becoming the norm.

In addition, waterways have been exploding in size. The above image shows pre-flood and below is the flood flowing off the other tributaries. Those will start to fill as well, and instead of having only 2 major arteries that you see swollen there, I believe it will be 4 or 5, on this exact same map moving into 2024.

Landsat shows before and after flood images, so you can see how much water filled the inland deltas. It is almost like the Okavango Delta had been refilled in its seasonal flows, but in the United States we are not used to this.

It has not been this extreme in hundreds of years, so where our infrastructure currently is placed, nature is just going to take care of that for us. As you see in the before and after images of roadways, you might be tempted to think that those are just country roads and of little importance.

Helicopter rescues carried out through the U.S grain growing belt.

This is a different angle so you can see how widespread the floods are. I am sure you know how big barns are housing massive machinery. The scope of this flood is almost unthinkable, until you put the relative sizes of these objects together. How many barns have you been next to or driven by? The size is enormous.

A look at72-hour precipitation map during this same Bombogenesis event. Where the orange is, is exactly where most of this major flooding that our modern infrastructure was not able to cope with, took place. As well, anywhere in the pinks flowed into the Mississippi River, off the side tributaries, and it was flood, flood, flood everywhere.

Shown on the map, Bristow dam overtopped. You can get an overview of where specifically in the United States, changes are taking place and have taken place since 2014 and 2015 with the rinse and repeat of delayed planting.

Literally, what you are seeing here is being affected year upon year with record snows, record floods, late season planting and early snows on the crops.

Planting was delayed last year due to record cold temperatures, and this will continue to amplify as grow seasons shrink from this year forward.

This is the Nebraska hydrological map showing the higher elevations that you see in that solid green. River basin is going down and the water is flowing over to the east. Eventually that is going to end up in the Mississippi River.

For now, water is up all over the farm country, and not just this one specific area. Green dots in the 70+ emergency flooded counties were all-time recorded floods, and those locations border on other states as well. You cannot tell me that Colorado and parts of Kansas and Minnesota were not affected. That was how massive the storm was that blew through during this Bombogenesis.

There were so many bridges and roads that were literally washed out during the event, that everywhere you see on this map put out by Nebraska State Police had a permanent road closure.
So if this much water is headed downstream, you can imagine other states were affected as well. I guess we have to follow the waters down the Mississippi at this point.

What were the impacts in transportation in eastern Nebraska? This was what inspectors were looking at, the stability of under struts and pilings holding up interstate bridges. The floods were massive and quick.

How long do you think will it take, just for this area here to be inspected after the floods recede to be able to fix what was washed out?

This was historic, waters in cities, towns, and across the fields.

There was not one area along a waterway that was not affected by this.

Take a look at the top left image for instance, submerged farm fields. We get the same repeating images every time, like a copy paste in almost every single location that has been photographed, where people live or farm across areas hit by this event.

Even the National Weather Service office in Valley Nebraska had to be abandoned. Look at the floods, they had to evacuate!

Rail lines were affected and rail transportation operations ceased in the area.

That was the same follow-up with the blizzards closing down highways during this event when the Bombogenesis passed, leaving cold and record snowfall along with the floods.

Huge tally of snow records broken during this blizzard they called an overland Bombogenesis.

When we have this much flooding you to have to think about human waste and sewage. Fifty wastewater treatment facilities were inundated, which means contaminated water flowed everywhere. How prepared are you if mega-floods were to sweep through your area? How long do you think before you could have access to clean drinking water again after such event? What about food, electricity and gas? All of these are affected by floods.

Here was one of the most heartfelt stories, where cows were swept away and stranded on islands due to floods. Thousands of cows were stranded that needed rescue, they were stuck and could not get out of the mud. There was this all-out rescue effort with the use of back hoes to gently lift these cows out of the mud.

This is how the Nebraska Farm Bureau portrays the US heartland crop growing region, it looks so nice, even and dry.

In reality, when you look at an airplane view, how much of the other field areas that were not as inundated as some of these other spots, how long is this going to take to dry out?

When can farmers get in there, till the fields, plant them and hope that something will come up? Remember that water is incredibly cold, reducing soil temperature even further. Cold and wet are not a good combination for farming.

Take note that the rivers were ice-covered in many places and with this much water coming down river, the ice was dislodged. Water is far more powerful than the ice, so we saw ice floes crushing bridges and smashing houses.

An idea of how much ice that was pushed down rivers and bunching up as it rolled over whatever was in the way. They are using back hoes to remove ice. You can only imagine how much ice coming off the rivers and pushing inland.

We saw Lake Erie ice tsunami at the same time. Interesting floes ¼ mile inland from the river banks rolling up into house in rural areas.

There were ice jams, rising rivers, flooding fears and the thing that was most startling is I never would have put it to a Grand Solar Minimum, until I saw this here.

Take a look at the size for scale of a hydroelectric dam particularly, the Spencer dam. This is in Bristow which I showed on the map earlier with the red dot.

This is not the biggest dam in the world by any means, but it is still rather large and is a dam designed to hold back all that water and all that pressure.

This is what was holding back the river. This dam had been there untouched and unscathed since the 1940’s. Spillway was not a problem, but now, when you see the south part where water came off the dam, the area was completely washed away.

This is what remained of the dam after the floodwaters came through. It did not overtop; it was literally swept away. How much water would have to come down to do that, to scour a mile in the other direction, and leave this thing in shatters?

Well, about this much, I found a live video during the flood event and you can see how much water flowed, it’s astounding. What do you think would these storms will look like if they intensify further?
You have to realize that what you are seeing here is only a quarter as intense as the storms we are predicted to experience by 2023 and 2024. If it comes to this, our farm lands and crop yields globally are definitely going to have a very big impact on food prices. How much can we grow to feed the planet from this year forward?

Looking downstream, as the same flood event was going on, water stretched to the next hill that you can see far over in the distance. How many miles is that?

Moreover, off to Kearney Hub, rancher down there described this event a harrowing evacuation near that collapsed dam. He said, “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Those previous images that I show you, that spillway is usually within a foot of or so, but never anything like this.

An aerial view, with the scale, you can see the size of pickup trucks in the foreground, and remember looking further away, the scale is a bit confusing because that is a two-lane road on top of that dam.

Then further downstream, after that dam broke that wall of water swept through and ripped apart bridges.

Bringing you back to the 72-hour precipitation map, the orange is centered over Nebraska, but if you go southeast you can see that the next heaviest band is down near Memphis.

So what went on in Tennessee? Did they receive extra heavy rainfall? Of course they did. Roads were damaged and roads were washed out due to floods.

That area already had floods the prior week, so this was adding to what the Tennessee landscape looked like in terms of agricultural production.

The amplification does seem to be right on track with Valentina Zharkova’s magnetic model, the Double Dynamo in the Sun. The wider those magnetic waves are on the Sun, the more they are cancelling each other out. Meaning, the wider that wave is, the more intense our weather is going to become on this planet.
We have just moved in the green, at the bottom and beginning of solar cycle 25. Yellow was where we were last year in 2018. In the green portion SC 25, the peak is in 2021–2022. This is how much more amplification we have to go through the first of two waves. You need to understand what a Grand Solar Minimum is.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.
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(MIAC #201) The Importance Shift, If People Don’t Have Food They Won’t Need Energy

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*** Today’s Story Links ***
Photos: Nebraska flooding viewed from aboveHistoric flooding Nebraska https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/gabrielsanchez/midwest-flooding-photos
That reality hit home here on Friday as Fremont residents and visitors alike became stranded. In every direction, roads…
'I've never seen anything close to this': Rancher describes harrowing evacuation near collapsed…
LINCOLN - The phone rang at Paul Allen's ranch house along the Niobrara River at 6 a.m. It wasn't good news. Five miles…
Flood map NWS
Photos: Aerial views capture scale of deadly Midwest flooding
The US midwest is grappling with swift, record-setting floods along the Missouri River, as massive downpours contribute…
Hydro map of Nebraska
Nebraska road closures
Precip map
Ice flows
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Pretty intense flooding going on there. Regardless of what comes, humanity will weather the storm, but not without pain if we see these types of weather events continue to escalate. I wish anyone effected by this the best of luck in recovering.
Even Italy is having its floodings. The level of Po river raised of a meter just today and its now at red level of alert. In Emilia Romagna the country was inundated by flash floods due to heavy rain and hail. Great damage for agriculture