Looking forward to listening to this video. Just need to set aside the two hours to watch. Have started a terrace garden in Dubai as the temperatures are still near 100 each day but will show significant decrease in temperature starting in two weeks. Keep up the great information to the GSM cause.
Given the topic I think I would like to respond to this both before and after watching the video.
We are approaching a solar minimum while at the same time transitioning into the Age of Aquarius. This isn't a coincidence but part of a galactic cycle. Things are about to change, one way or another. Between the information that Randall Carlson has presented and the ice core data we know that the warming trend cannot continue indefinitely.
The fact that we have already outlasted previous warming trends only means that we are overdue for a change. So what can we do to prepare for the coming cold? Look to the past for the answers. I personally would recommend learning about walipini, super adobe, and rocket mass heaters at a minimum.
The walipini is a greenhouse that is sunken into the ground which takes advantage of geothermal and solar energy to allow year-round plant growth. Super adobe is a modern spin on the adobe technology spanning back to the oldest known dwellings. The rocket mass heater makes optimal use of carbon fuel for heat. Combine these three and it would be possible to not only survive a dip in temperature but to thrive despite the climate shift.
After listening to the majority of the discussion and doing further research I can only respond with a dire warning: Get ready for some rough times ahead, probably including WW3. I reiterate that time invested in walipini, super adobe, and rocket mass heaters is highly recommended.
Wife and i used to watch you on youtube...
we share the same proverbial alley..
Let us support each other, and endeavor to persevere...
i also do reports on the coming ice age #iceagenow Grand Solar minimum, #earthchages, Electric Universe #eutheory etc. and some #selfempowerment to Fortify the Peeps, check my blog and follow back if you would..
Looking forward to listening to this video. Just need to set aside the two hours to watch. Have started a terrace garden in Dubai as the temperatures are still near 100 each day but will show significant decrease in temperature starting in two weeks. Keep up the great information to the GSM cause.
Anyone watching these? Bueller?
I´m watching your videos on you... (know), because it works better on my computer. But, I also visit steemit for voting good content up ;-)
Tracking >>
Given the topic I think I would like to respond to this both before and after watching the video.
We are approaching a solar minimum while at the same time transitioning into the Age of Aquarius. This isn't a coincidence but part of a galactic cycle. Things are about to change, one way or another. Between the information that Randall Carlson has presented and the ice core data we know that the warming trend cannot continue indefinitely.
The fact that we have already outlasted previous warming trends only means that we are overdue for a change. So what can we do to prepare for the coming cold? Look to the past for the answers. I personally would recommend learning about walipini, super adobe, and rocket mass heaters at a minimum.
The walipini is a greenhouse that is sunken into the ground which takes advantage of geothermal and solar energy to allow year-round plant growth. Super adobe is a modern spin on the adobe technology spanning back to the oldest known dwellings. The rocket mass heater makes optimal use of carbon fuel for heat. Combine these three and it would be possible to not only survive a dip in temperature but to thrive despite the climate shift.
After listening to the majority of the discussion and doing further research I can only respond with a dire warning: Get ready for some rough times ahead, probably including WW3. I reiterate that time invested in walipini, super adobe, and rocket mass heaters is highly recommended.
@adapt2030Thank you so much for your hard work!
we share the same proverbial alley..
Let us support each other, and endeavor to persevere...

i also do reports on the coming ice age #iceagenow Grand Solar minimum, #earthchages, Electric Universe #eutheory etc. and some #selfempowerment to Fortify the Peeps, check my blog and follow back if you would..