Hello a pleasure to write to you, this time to show you my design in another wonderful contest sponsored by @mediaworks, this time the friends of Basis Neuro decided to look for eye-catching designs and serve to sponsor their technology through the networks.
Basis Neuro is a state of the art technology which brings to all those people who have some physical difficulty a fabulous mind-controlled headset, through which you can handle certain devices such as a wheelchair, play, use appliances, only with the power of our mind and this great device, no doubt a great advance and a great help.
For this contest create a nice animated gif, use a brain emitting waves that represent the way the brain communicates with the device, apply some effects using some Photoshop tools.
If you wish to participate in the competition, you can find the information in the following form link.
If you want to know more about this great project you can visit the Basis Neuro page in the following link.
