As it is with telos to keep individual's creative mind active, they came uo with a task of creating a logo of balloon used in weather forecast and of cos it was quite tasky. After racking of brain for more than 48 hours i was able to come up with something i believe is lovable. Walk with me as i take you through the different stages to the finished product .
The logo was made using a combination of Corel Draw and Photoshop.... Corel Graphic suite was used to do a major part of the design while Adobe Photoshop (PS) was used for the Mockup
The first step was to create a vector image of the balloon using the pen tool... And of course the shape tool to achieve the desired shapes.
This stage involved the introduction of colours. I chose to use a different shades of purple for creativity and also make the balloon look attractive. The fill tool came in handy at this stage
After introducing colours, I decided to give the design a crystal look. I downloaded a crystal image from the internet and power clipped it into the balloon.
The design is exported with RGB in .png format and brought to Photoshop for mockup creation..
Finally, mockup is ready and the job is done.
We have our balloon logo!!!
Wow! This looks glamourous
Keep using the #lassecash tag for more curation
@ddate says hello with 1 telos!
also 1 TLOSP was sent to your steem account, you can withdraw this to real telos