The qualifications that gave you a job is the same qualifications someone has, but doesn't have a job.......
Be grateful.
The prayer God answered for you, is the same prayer others have been saying without success yet.......
Be grateful.
The road you use safely on a daily basis is the same road many others died on.......
Be grateful.
The place which you worship and God blessed you, is the same place other people worship in but their lives are still in discord & shambles.......
Be grateful.
The bed you used in the hospital, got healed and discharged, is the same bed many other people died on....
Be grateful.
The conditions you went through and came out alive, hundreds have gone through it this year alone and they are dead and forgotten.......
Be grateful.
The same rain that made your field produce good crops, is the same rain that destroyed someone's field....
Be grateful.
_Be grateful because whatever you have is not by your power, your might, or your qualifications, but rather by the Grace and Will of Almighty God
Always Be grateful.
The fact that you can read this info be grateful. Can you see, hear, smell, taste or feel? Remember! He is the Giver of everything you have.
Be Grateful to God for all He hath done and for those yet undone?
Being grateful keeps us going. Thank for the share @mikeguru
I am always grateful @mikeguru
Being grateful is my virtue.. @mikeguru
@mikeguru health comes first. I agree with you on this.
@mikeguru You hit the point.
@mikeguru thanks for such a motivating post.
@mikeguru sure, we need be grateful always.
@mikeguru thanks for this post. I like it.
I agree. We should be grateful always
We always appreciate our achievements in life. @mikeguru
@mikeguru.... thanks for the post.
nice post on being grateful
I thank God for everything.. @mikeguru.
Going greatness is the way forward....@mikeguru
@mikeguru thanks. This post really opens up my mind.
Being grate is having good cash in savings.. @mikeguru