If the problem has a solution, then go out for a walk and enjoy the food by relaxing... ehe~

90% of the problems are in our heads, by us and our minds. While the facts, reality or what actually happened only 10%.

So live a more serene and happier life the key is within ourselves, in the way we think.

If Gus Dur said this: “If there is a problem and you already know the solution, then you don't have to think about it, you already know. And if you don't know the solution, why not. think about it, you're even tired".

: If there's no solution, then go for a walk... ehe~

Coffee Pillar

the pillar of coffee consists of six things,
said the poet who endured insomnia
and good at tricking sleepiness

one, purification from loneliness
second, poetry
third, miss face
Fourth, silence love
Fifth, greet memories

Doing good doesn't always have to be big... it's okay to do small & simple things like that.

For example... this is an example, you know, so my father-in-law's reason is to be able to eat goat satay.
It also does good, I guess .



Humans need symbols to capture & reveal reality. According to Earnst Cassier, symbolization is a human way to organize "data" & its handling.

One of the "symbol" traditions in Indonesia that is still preserved today is the use of yellow rice cone in various events/celebrations. The yellow color here is gold which means wealth. Overall, yellow rice in the form of a cone of golden mountain wealth, prosperity and noble character.
