Hello, dear Steemit friends :)
My Steemit break is over! I wasn't on the Steemit for a while and for this I have a fantastic justification. I became a mom of a beautiful baby girl :) So, here I am stealing a little time between two feeding my little sweet girl Mila to write this post :)
The most magical and emotional moment in every woman's life is when she becomes a mother - the moment when life arises, when after all the torment you hear the wailing of your baby and when you feel that gently, little miracle on your chest. That's one of the reasons why I love being a woman.
Seven years ago I became the mother of a wonderful and good boy who finally got a sister and became a brother. I am very happy that he is thrilled with his new role. He adores his little sister.
Mila changed my pace of life and my family's rhythm, in a most magical way. My priority is to be a caring and responsible mother :) but I will try to use every free moment, to be a good steemit blogger as well :)
Честитамо, прелепа је, @ladysnowhite!
Veliko hvala @superstar65 :)
Cestitam! :D Zive bile i velike porasle! :)
Hvala @mladenpaunovic :) Mada, ja sam dovoljno rasla devet meseci :D
Cestitam, sve najbolje, pa da uskoro ocekujemo njen prvi tekst :)
Hvala @dejan.vuckovic ;D Videćemo kako će se razvijati ova platforma i uopšte način komunikacije :) Kada ona počne da "bloguje" ko zna kako će sve izgledati i da li će mama moći da proprati :)
Medenjak mali 😘
(Da joj lakiramo noktiće i pričamo o dijeti 😁)
Hvala drugarice @sun-flower! Tema - aktuelnosti :D Družićemo se, okružene smo devojčicama :)
Milica mala! Ljubim je! 😚😚😚
Hvala ti @micika987. Imate dosta toga zajednickog ;D
Congratulations ! ! She is beauty ! !
Thank you @dimitra :)
Congratulations with the baby, best wishes :)
Thank you @karja :) I wish you all the best. Greetings :)
A touching set! Made me miss a beat. Congrats for having Mila! You've had big things come up in your life and seem very content with where you're at right now. This is one of those feel good updates that make browsing this community's forum priceless.
Congratulations on your latest family addition as well as your post and also return to writing+shooting pictures!
Warmest regards,
Thank you very much @vimma for this wonderful comment :) I wish you all the best. Greeting! :)
Oh my gosh, congratulations!! She is beautiful! Mila, what a beautiful name :)
Thank you @pettydecent :)
Каква лепотица! Добро нам дошла, и жива била Мила!
Јој, кад вас две кренете на путовања, @ladysnowhite… :)
Hvala ti @lighteye! :) Ima na koga da voli da skita - i na mamu i na tatu:)
wish you prove yourself as the best mother for your child or children, a mom is always special but we always want to be the best.
You're right @shohana1 but that's normal : ) We want the best for our children.
Predivna je <3
Hvala @invazijaleptira :) :*
Pa vidim ja tebe nema pa se brinem, a ono u stvari najlepsa vest na svetu :))) Cestitam na ovoj lepoti i radosti! Da nas uveseljavas sa njenim slikama i odrastanjem ovde. I evo jos jedne mame ovde koja nam se skoro pridruzila, @semipermeabile, moje kume i isto mame jedne bebe :)
Pa, imam najlepše opravdanje za to @jungwatercolor :) Malo kradem vreme između hranjenja, pokušaja spavanja i svakodnevnih "ženskih" obaveza, da kucnem ovde neko slovo :) Bravo za kumu! :) Pratićemo se, imamo zajedničke teme, to je sigurno:)
Aw congrats. My wife and I have just had our first baby too. Catch some zzzzs while you can and enjoy the wonder :)
Thank you @herandim.info :)Congratulations on your baby:)Sleep is a problem, but we'll survive;)
Cestitamo, tek sad sam videla:D
Zdravo Mila.