Trying Out My New Packing Cubes

in #gratefulvibes7 years ago

Happy Sunday everyone!

I am so excited to share today's post with you because I finally got something that has been on my wishlist for a while now. I am quite a messy person but when it comes to packing somehow I turn into one of those super neat and organized people. I used to overpack in the past but since my trip to Thailand, going to another city here in Serbia for a few days more times that I could remember this year and getting into minimalism in all aspects of my life, I learned a lot about what I need to pack and what to leave behind.

Few months ago, when my brother from Switzerland came to visit us, in one of our conversations he mentioned that he started using Ebay to buy some things when he needs them and that, if I need anything, I can just send him the link and he will order it for me. So a couple of weeks ago I was browsing through Ebay, looking for packing cubes. I really wanted to get a set and I couldn't find them in Serbia. I finally found a set that was a decent price, sent it to my brother and he ordered it. The timing was perfect because when the package arrived, my in-laws were in Switzerland visiting and they brought my packing cubes when they came back to Serbia.

This is how the set looks like:


I chose black because it looks simple, classic and it matches everything. Packing cubes themselves are a lot bigger than I expected. This set comes with 4 different sizes of packing cubes and one big laundry bag. They also have meshed corners so you can squeeze out the air. The reason why I love this way of packing is mainly because it saves you a lot of space and it keeps everything organized, especially if you're trying to go minimal with your luggage or you're using a backpack, like I did for my Thailand trip and my short trips.

This is the smallest packing cube:


Even though I'm not traveling right now, I still had to pull out some clothes and try to pack it. The excitement was real, haha! I like to roll most of my clothes when I'm packing so I used that method and just folded my jeans. I used second to smallest packing cube as I would probably do for travels. In the smallest one I would probably put underwear, socks, swimsuits... Separating everything into different bags is the best way to prevent any mess. Imagine if you just put everything in your backpack without any sectioning bags and you need something from the bottom, you would have to take every item out. Having your clothes, underwear and other small items, makeup, electronics all in separate bags means that you will be able to tell where everything is and you can easily pull it out and put it back.

I chose some tops to pack:


I had more space so I added one more:


As you can see, there was still some space left but I just left it like that and added two folded bottom pieces on top of the rolled clothes:


Zip it up and viola:


Measures of this specific packing cube are 35x25x9,5cm:



Packed cube compared to other empty ones:


Today I am grateful for receiving this amazing gift that I've been wanting for a while and the fact that I actually like it and I know I'm going to use it!

If you want to check out my [Minimalist inspired packing tips post that I published 6 months ago check it it out HERE. Also feel free to join the #gratefulvibes challenge by @paradise-found! It's never too late to share with us what are you grateful for and end this year with positive and joyful attitude! :)



Idemo dalje

I wish you could talk to my wife, she packs almost everything including the kitchen sink when we go away.

Haha, this actually made me laugh!
I was kind of the same, it's all about changing your mindset and changing your "relationship" with material possessions. I always tell myself that all the material things can be replaced, it's non-material things that last forever. :)

Very true and a great philosophy to live by.

hahaha. such an invention! I use cotton bags to make different "drawers" in my backpack!

Those are amazing, I have a few small ones and use them for packing as well. :)

Nice post, do you know what compression sacks are? I use them for backpacking and camping. You've inspired me to make a post about them. Thanks!

Thank you, I'm happy to hear that!
I checked out your post and I really like the idea of compression sacks. I would definitely use those for camping gear and other bigger items. I see that the kitchen stuff and clothes also fit very nicely! :)

Thank you, especially for helping with inspiration.

Thanks for the inspiration!

I can feel you there! There is one great documentary called "Minimalism". Would suggest it to everyone! :)

I've heard about that documentary, I feel like that's when the entire concept of minimalism became popular.
I love watching videos about that subject on YouTube, especially ones related to travel and packing. :)

I'm very grateful you are messy. ;-D
Love the cubes, and I love that you love them too!!

Haha, thank you @paradise-found :D