in #gratefulvibes7 years ago (edited)

A challenge to the Steemit Community

Lets be happier and more successful!!

Gratitude is the #1 happiness activity

Thankful people not only have healthier relationships with others, but they also experience healthier relationships with themselves. Being comfortable with ourselves and thankful for the things in our lives that bring us joy leads to a more optimistic outlook. And optimism is one of the most important characteristics of successful people.

Gratefulness leads to success

The ability to be thankful for what you have achieved and to put challenges that arise in the proper perspective goes hand in hand with success.

Legendary author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said “gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”

Developing an attitude of gratitude

From making lists of the people and things that make you feel thankful to shedding yourself of toxic relationships or situations, embracing an attitude of gratitude is achievable for anyone willing to try.

Intentional effort

In the book, “The How of Happiness,”our intentional activity is the most powerful change agent in our lives. Obviously we are born with certain characteristics, and life circumstances also affects our happiness. But the area of “Intentional effort” has the most power to change our happiness level. And according to this book, and many experts, gratitude is the #1 happiness activity.


My challenge to the Steemit Community. Lets be happier and more successful!!

Including today there are 70 days remaining in 2017. Join me in being grateful for one thing each day for the rest of this year. This intentional exercise will positively impact our lives, our happiness, and our success. And when the Steemit community rises to this challenge, we can impact the globe with “Gratefulvibes!!"

Steemit is a wonderful community that we all love. Lets use it to impact the world in an amazingly positive way!!

How does this work? Comment here or Post using new tag "Gratefulvibes."

Each day we commit to doing one of two things

  1. Comment here on my daily gratefulvibes post with something you are thankful for.
  2. Post on your blog using the new tag gratefulvibes with something you are thankful for.


I will read as many of the comments and posts as I can. Periodically I will award SBD to the best gratefulvibes comments or posts.

Donate post rewards

Paradise Found will donate 50% of his post rewards from gratefulvibes challenge to Worldwide Heart 2 Heart (WWH2H link). WWH2H is a Christian Ministry in Honduras that includes a orphanage, a bi-lingual school, and a medical clinic. In the coming days I will share how WWH2H is changing lives in this 3rd world country.


Resourse one
Resourse two

All photographs original to Paradise Found

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Every morning, even before we have breakfast, my wife and I read the Bible and pray. A large portion of our prayer is thanking the Father for His many blessings in our lives. We are also grateful to Him for sometimes with-holding the things we THINK we want. He does this because He loves us and because, ultimately and always, God is smarter than we are.
So there is never any end to the reasons to be grateful and certainly one of the things we are grateful for is steemit and people like @papa-pepper who led us to this post and has helped us in so many ways. Actually everyone here has been so nice that we cant get over it. Thanks for this challenge.

Wow!! You are awesome!! I love your morning routine!! I'm thankful for you!!
Than ks also for joining this challenge!! Please use #gratefulvibes!!
Following you!!

wow! very inspiring!
following you @leaving-egypt

A beautiful idea! And I will start now...I am thankful for all my new friends on Steemit.

And we are thankful for you too!

Thank you @cecicastor!! Lets start a gratefulness revolution!!

You are right @paradise-found 😀 I am very thankful to @sunnylife for bringing me here. 😀 Being grateful makes us happy and contented in every little haves in our lives. A simple saying of Thank you is a state of gratefulness. So, I thank you for spreading grateful vibes. 😀💖

That is such an awesome attitude!! Thank you for joining the gratefulness revolution!!

Thanks to you, too @paradise-found! I am very grateful I found paradise 😀 in #gratefulvibes!

Thanks or visiting sis:) Papa Bear is amazing:)

Thanks to you too sissy! 😀 Yes you are right he is awesome!

The Lord gives, and The Lord takes away... blessed be the name of the Lord. I have seen what it is to lose almost everything and through the power of forgiveness and the grace of God, He gave everything back to me and my children. I am so greatful not just for the big things but the little things too. Not only having a house to live in or an in-tact family, but for this warm mug of coffee in front of me and calm mornings like this one...and creature comforts like electricity!! The list goes on and on. :) @paradise-found already read it but if anyone else who is reading my comment wants to know my story here's the link:

I've read it, very touching story.
God bless your family @snowpea.
Family is a gift. Stay strong together.
Congratuations again! You're children are adorable!
sending you some sunny hugss xoxo

Thank you!! Family certainly is a gift... I am blessed! Hugs back!!! :)

thank you got it!!!

So awesome to see you here @snowpea!! God has certainly blessed you and your family richly!!
Thanks for joining the gratefulness revolution!! Please use #gratefulvibes!!

We truly all have a lot to be thankful ans grateful for, but your life story demonstrates it on a whole new level!

It's feels so surreal sometimes!! Things could've gone way worse and do go worse for others especially in other parts of the world everyday... I can't help but say God bless America, her people, and her safety nets, (problems and all). :)

Yes my friend! I am all about spreading a positive message and inspiring more people to feel and express gratitude.
I recently made a post What are you grateful for today? where I mentioned that I'm writing down everything that I am grateful for each day (today is my 5th day) so I'll be happy to join this challenge.
Thanks for coming up with this and for inspiration! :)

Very interesting that you started doing like this anyway! That is a great attitude to have, being grateful and thankful!

Thank you!
It really is a life-changing attitude, I go by my day expressing gratitude for so many things that I often took for granted.

Thank you my good friend!! Wow!! You had already started!! Amazing!! :-D
Thank you for joining, please use #gratefulvibes!!

Yes and I'll be happy to share my gratitude here as well using your hashtag #gratefulvibes - starting today!
Yay! :D

Wow very nice. This is something we lack nowadays as social media has made life everyone's business.
We tend to look over our shoulder and compare what our fellow man has.
We look at our plate and to the plate of the person next to us and complaint he got a bigger piece.
We can't just be happy for someone else's good fortune and be content and grateful to what we have.
We want to live enviable lives worthy of an instagramable post. We crave for people to like and show how much we are better off than some people.
We forget to be grateful and happy as we always compare.
Thank you for this message of hope and gratitude.
Definitely worth a vote and follow.

Thank you for this awesome comment!! I hope you take the challenge for the 70 days!!
Please us #gratefulvibes!!

Let's spread positivity and some good vibes on Steemit.
Well done, Papa Bear!

Thank you Sunny!! :-D
You are truly the best!! I'm very grateful for your friendship!!

Thank you too Papa Bear!
Stay awesome!

My challenge # 1: Thank God for the grace of God that has given the desired result on our farm. these agricultural produce can support us more than enough and for the survival of those of us who consume these farm produce ...

tanks @paradise-found for the challenge ...
and @papa-pepper for their support for this challenge ....

bravo .. !! @jufni


LOVE THIS! Gratitude is something are family practices daily and very intentionally. I begin all prayers and meditations with gratitude. I've read from multiple success sources that being in a "state of gratitude" is what draws success to you. Today I am grateful for a fleeting Fall weather morning of 50 degrees. I'm grateful for my beautiful, smart children, and the third answered prayer growing inside of me. I'm grateful for the many sacrifices my husband makes for his family. And above all I'm thankful for all of the future opportunities I know are already written in the stars!

You are awesome!! thank you!!

Holy cow THIS IS AWESOME! THIS right here is a wonderful example of why I love the Steemit community!! I am so excited to do this. In our house we say what we are thankful for at dinner, instead of praying so this is right up my alley!!

To start today, I am so very thankful for my amazing husband @xtrodinarypilot and his support of me staying at home with our kids, home schooling and working from home. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to be the best mother I can be!

You are awesome!! I appreciate you and I'm grateful for you!!
Thanks for joining this gratefulness revolution!!
Following you!! I'm a huge supporter of homeschooling as well!!
Please use #gratefulvibes!!

I'm grateful for what I harvested today: 4 eggs and 4 flowers of saffron.
Our homestead is just beginning, but the first results are good, thanks God. Every one of our four chicken is laying one egg every day, and the plants are giving generous fruits too.
Thanks for creating this challenge and inspiring us!

Hey Brother, I did my promo post. Hopefully it'll help, great initiative!

Thank you my friend!! I hope it gathers steem and goes viral!!
I'm very grateful for your help!! :-D

wow!! amazing Papa Bear!!!
Please resteem guys! Let's be thankful everyday!
Looking good Mama Bear!!

I'm thankful that when I woke up this morning, my son hugged me and my family r together!
I love the tag"gratefulvibes"

That's a wonderful thing to be thankful for!!
Thanks for your support in this initiative!!

This is fantastic!!! I'm currently reading a book called "The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws" by Vishen Lakhiani and he touches on the art of gratitude and how important it is! It can completely change you mood so I tried it and instantly felt better!!
Today I am grateful for having the time to read this book!

I love that book.

This is an awesome comment!! It is amazing how overlooked gratefulness can become!!
Please continue in this challenge, and please use #gratefulvibes!!

I heard about this through @papa-pepper and thought... so many people go about his or her business every day and never really stop to 'smell the roses'.
They miss out on so much in life by wearing blinders and then I thought. Yes! We all need to be grateful; even if it's just for the cuddles of a baby, the nudge from our beloved dog/pet or the smile our spouse gives us from across the room.

I am definitely going to be writing some of my 'gratefuls' in life. thank you for bringing the awareness this unnoticed emotion/feeling gets.

Thank you for joining this gratefulness challenge!! You are so right about overlooking our blessings, and taking things for granted!! Let's start a gratefulness revolution!! Please use #gratefulvibes!!

This is fantastic!!! I'm currently reading a book called "The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws" by Vishen Lakhiani and he touches on the art of gratitude and how important it is! It can completely change you mood so I tried it and instantly felt better!!
Today I am grateful for having the time to read this book!

I'm thankful for so many things. Loll I'll just pick a couple random ones right now. I'm grateful for the Kindle for PC with accessibility plugin, because it allows me to read books, (especially the Bible.) I'm also thankful for Steemit. I've only been here for a few days, but I'm already starting to see that the community is epic! Oh and not only that, but there's so much content here in one place. I'll go ahead and write a post.

Thank you so much for joining this challenge!! Please use #gratefulvibes!!

LOVE THIS! Gratitude is something are family practices daily and very intentionally. I begin all prayers and meditations with gratitude. I've read from multiple success sources that being in a "state of gratitude" is what draws success to you. Today I am grateful for a fleeting Fall weather morning of 50 degrees. I'm grateful for my beautiful, smart children, and the third answered prayer growing inside of me. I'm grateful for the many sacrifices my husband makes for his family. And above all I'm thankful for all of the future opportunities I know are already written in the stars!

That's awesome!! So happy to have you on board for this 70 day challenge!!
Please us #gratefulvibes!! Following you!!

Please use #gratefulvibes when you post, thanks!!
As your first tag

My fault, the tag is #gratefulvibes
NOT #gratefulvibeswhen
Thank you my friend!!

yes i will fix

I love this idea. My something to be thankful for today is that there were no issues with getting our steer Bobby to the auction today, and that the two bob calves that we bought while there, seem to have bonded with my hubby and I already. They are so cute, sweet and they follow us like puppies...really big puppies. :D Here's a picture of them...just looking at them makes me smile and happy. :D
Have an awesome day! :D

OK - third try to reply...
Thanks for joining the challenge!! The photo is great!! Big dogs huh!! LOL :-D
Following you!!

Haha the cows think their dogs !! LOL!😂😂😂

They really do. :D They were playing in the big pasture for a bit this morning and I got some really cute video (I hope), so now I just have to figure out how to edit and post it. :D

Awe ! Should be really cute to see !! Hope you figure it out !!

Me too. My hubby said I should check out Dtube and see if I can get that to work. :D If it works there will be posts with videos in the future. :D

They are, the only difference is they moo instead of bark, LOL. :D They are so adorable...they were hopping around in the big pasture this morning. :D Thank you for the follow and welcome. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Thanks - you as well!! :-D

Wow. This is a great idea. I love spreading positivity and good vibes to everyone.. not just people I know and interact with but anyone... everyone.. I'll definitely be following this post... and today I'm thankful to @papa-pepper for recommending this 👍👍❤

Thank you my friend!! Grateful to have you on board!!

Great idea @paradise-found ! I am very thank ful and grateful to still be blogging on steemit , and meeting so many Awesome people ! You know its my 11 th week of doing the Power Of Positivity POP Contest, #popcontest ! Where I @karenmckersie get many Awesome positive themed posts every week , which all get resteemed and up voted , so there is more positivity spread all around steemit every day !! So this is awesome ! Thanks for doing this #gratefulvibes tag as well , we could all use more positive vibes here on Steemit !! 💕👍💕👍💕👍

I am so incredibly thankful for the wonderful people that I have meet on Steemit. I look forward to communicating with them every day and that little action of socializing has changed my life for the better.
I am forever grateful for this. Thanks for starting gratefulvibes @paradise-found.

You're welcome my friend @rebeccaryan!! Glad to have you on board!!
Please use gratefulvibes!!

Im back as promised on my other account @karenmckersie ! Also upped and resteemed ! All ready commented as @momskitchen upped and resteemed there as well !

I am grateful for my kitties, who give me unconditional love and companionship every day. :)

Awesome!! Keep it up and join the gratefulness challenge!!
Please us #gratefulvibes!!

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Thank you for joining the challenge!!

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Very good my post

Thankful for you!! Please join the challenge!!
Please use #gratefulvibes!!

I love this idea. There is so many things to be thankful. It is hard to name just one. But I will start with this. I am thankful for my past life for it is what made me who I am today.

Thank you for joining the challenge!! I'm grateful for coffee!!

Love it! The only thing that scares me about this post is 70 days left in the year. ;)

Glad you like this!! Yup, 70 days left!! :-D
Please use #gratefulvibes!!

good jop friends

Thank you for joining the challenge!!

Yes, you are welcome.
I will follow you every day

I heard about this from papa pepper. Truly we need to fill our lives with thankfulness and not take things for granted. Today I am thankful for this post to remind us to give thanks each day. The saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. So a thanksgiving a day keeps the evil away. The Bible tells us to be thankful always. This is ny contribution.

Awesome comment!! Thanks for joining the challenge!!

yes you are right @paradise-found. Even us here in our little and happy home we also practiced gratefulness.. We are grateful and lucky with our kids. They are so very sweet kids. Every night they greeted us a "good night, sweetdreams, I love you mama and papa" and in every morning they also say "good morning and I love you mama and papa". and almost every second, every minute they always keep on saying I love you and even kissing my wife's tummy because she is 7 months pregnant now. They are so very excited to see their youngest brother/sister..
Thanks @papa-pepper I found your post. And thank you also to your post @paradise-found

Good comment!! Thank you for joining the challenge!!

This is brilliant!! Gratitude has the power to make you more grounded and focused on the present by simply bringing your awareness to what you have from what you don't have. Not having something and feeling miserable about is not a very healthy attitude. I do understand that we have the tendency to feel bad about the things missing from our lives and since we have nurtured a habit of doing that, we find ourselves focusing more on the things we are missing out on. That's because we don't spend too much time thinking of and focusing on all that we have in our lives. The ability to stand up and use the toilet on your own and not ask someone else to support you and make you sit on the seat. The ability to drink water using your own hands. The ability to open your eyes and see the world around you. The ability to talk and speak and tell your loved ones you love them. The ability to walk, touch, listen, taste and feel. Aren't these all blessings to be thankful for? Of course, they are. If it weren't for these blessings, we wouldn't be living a comfortable and convenient life. However, most of us fail to focus and acknowledge these blessings. We are more focused on acquiring more wealth, obtaining more materialistic objects and pursuing our financial goals. I am not saying we shouldn't do that. If that brings you happiness, you should but you should also focus on everything that you are blessed with. Keeping your blessings into account makes you realize that there is a lot more in life than you think and you are actually blessed with a lot in life than you aspire to have. For over 3 months, I have nurtured the habit of thinking of things I am grateful for that day and generally every morning when I wake up. Reminding myself of how lucky I am to wake up next to my husband and son, have a comfortable house to live in, have the ability to do work on my own, have a roof over my head, having access to clean water and other things I am blessed with instantly improves my mood and makes me feel at peace from within. I thank my Allah (since I am a muslim) for each of these and more blessings and find myself feeling happier throughout the day. Honestly, feeling grateful for what I have helps me set a positive tone for the day and also equips me with the power to spread #gratefulvibes all around me as well. I am slowly teaching my child to do the same and seeing him thanking our Lord for everything makes my heart swell with pride and joy. Thank you @paradise-found for this wonderful initiative. May you always be happy and grateful! <3

Amazing comment!! Thank you for joining the challenge!!
You are an inspiration to all!!

Like attracts like so you brought me here and @papa-pepper :D

Thank you, lets keep the challenge going!!

Today after starving myself for hours all in the name of been broke, i became to realise how ungrateful i am through out those period i have been taking three square meal comfortably, immediately after taking my first meal latter in the day, the first thing i could ever think of was to be thankful, for it is a thing worth been thankful of to have food on your table. Even having a social platform that let you receive value for value created recquire you to be grateful.

Awesome comment my friend!!

I am grateful that I can accept myself for who I am and in return I am able to accept everyone else for who they are. Spirituality isn't about your own high vibes, it's about OUR high vibes.

Awesome!! Thanks for joining the challenge!!

An attitude of gratitude gives an alltitude for fortitude , it elevates our strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity, gratitude is meant to part of our daily lives but instead of been greatful for the little we end up complaining about those thing we do not have.
I have learnt to always be greatful for breath because i believe breath is not bread, yes most people see the breath they breath in as something as common as bread.
I believe even if all have is just life then you have everything because alot of people have all this thing but all they need is just good health to enjoy it but they are languishing in one hospital or the other even all their wealth cannot save them.
So today i am thanking God for the greatest gifts on earth breath and health this 2 are the greatest asset one can possess in life.
Thanks @paradise-found and thanks to @papa-pepper for helping me find you.

Amazing comment!! Thank you for joining the challenge!!
Following you!!

I'm thankful for all the people my family got to meet recently when Yah made it possible for us to celebrate Sukkot with others for the first time ever. I'm also thankful for all the wonderful folks we are now meeting on here. It truly is a caring community and this post by @paradise-found only goes to prove that. Blessings to everyone.

Thank you so much!! And thatnks for joining the challenge!!

I'm thankful for all the people my family got to meet recently when Yah made it possible for us to celebrate Sukkot with others for the first time ever. I'm also thankful for all the wonderful folks we are now meeting on here. It truly is a caring community and this post by @paradise-found only goes to prove that. Blessings to everyone.

I will up vote and resteem on my other account as well @karenmckersie ! Awesomeness !!!

Thanks MOM!! Your are awesome!! :-D

Your are awesome too ! And your welcome !💕✌👍

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