I'm Rendered Speechless... For Those Who Know Me, That is No Easy Task

in #gratitude8 years ago

I received a notification that someone wanted to post something on my Facebook wall, or page, if you will. I must admit I appreciate the new rules that notify you before someone just dumps crap onto your wall. I must have clicked the right box unknowingly ;-)

Anyway, this wonderful woman is one I met in the blogosphere somewhere, at some point. Frankly, I am amazed at the circles I run in. Some I can tell you exactly where I clicked with them; others, I have no clue. Some are through on-line classes, some through groups, some, by following a blogger, liking a comment by another blogger, basically stalking that other blogger and then... well, you get the picture. There is a sort of similar thing that happens here on Steemit. A friend re-steems, you read the article, you follow the "new" author, etc.

Bethany Rosselit is the wonderful woman, who lives in Texas with her husband and daughter, on a sail boat. We've collaborated on a few things but basically follow each other with a poke or a note.

Today, she sent me this:


With the following text:

Dale Rogerson, it's your turn! A blue flower, to honor the loss you endured. I remember chatting with you, during that time of uncertainty. We both knew the probable outcome, but I wanted more than anything to fill you with hope in that moment. It was an honor to share that moment with you. And a maple leaf, of course, for Canada. A pen and paper for writing, and of course, a cake! (The cake, because I make specialty cakes plus am a part-time caterer.)

I was totally blown away by such an act of kindness out of nowhere. Knowing Bethany, she noticed some post or another where some comment or another mentioned that Mick and I would have celebrated 22 years together on June 25th. This brought her to December, 2014, and all the crap I went through, I guess. I cannot say.

All I can say is that the gratitude and love I felt totally filled my heart with joy and eyes with tears. Happy tears.

Every single time I am shown that I mean something to someone, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Those times where you think you are just a regular "no one special" somebody, something like this brings you in check.


Such a beautiful, unexpected gift 💓💓💓💓

I was beyond touched and totally blown away.
One never realises just what we mean to another or how we've touched them

The bestest ever kind! xoxo

I think you may be selling yourself a bit short. You are anything but "no one special". The way you speak of Mick, I bet he would say that you are someone special. The show of love and support, that means that you have enriched someones life to the point of them wanting to give you a token of what you mean to them. That doesn't happen often in this day and age. Embrace that fact and enjoy that feeling of knowing you touched someones soul.

I am realising that. Still wowed.by it though (and wish to never become blasé about such a thing)!
Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me.

And that is why you are and will continue to be richly rewarded...