You Might Have To Work On Your Eyes.....

in #gratitude7 years ago (edited)

A young monk joined a monastery and he was told that he was allowed to say only two words every five years. After five years, the Reverend Abbot called the young monk and asked him what his two words were.

“Food Bad.” Said the monk.

“Ok, brother.” The Abbot answered, “We will take care of that.”

After another five years, the Abbot met the monk and asked him what his two words were.

“Bed Hard.” Said the monk.

“Ok, brother,” said the Abbot, “we will look into that.”

Five years later the Abbot called the monk again and told him he could say two words.

“I Quit.” Said the monk.

“Well done brother,” said the Abbot, “you’ve been complaining for the past fifteen years.”

Whiners see only problems
Fix one and more problems are created.

The grateful see opportunities.
They take one; they multiply.

Positive inner eye, a positive life.