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RE: The Day of Balance - Autumnal Equinox Gratitude List - Comment for a ~$0.50 Vote

in #gratitude6 years ago (edited)

There are so many things to be grateful for.
I've been practicing my gratitude daily now for over a week (reading the Secret, THE MAGIC book by Rhonda Byrne) which shows you how to be grateful daily because this is the secret to Life of your Dreams your Happiness.
Today I am mostly grateful and so thankful for my son turning 19 years old. The most precious gift that I will cherish forever.

Thank you for this great post @kennyskitchen


There are so many things to be grateful for.

That is so very true!

reading the Secret, THE MAGIC book by Rhonda Byrne

If you are enjoying The Secret, I HIGHLY recommend digging into the works of Abraham-Hicks (lots available for free on YouTube and through Torrents), as it is the basis that The Secret was founded on (and includes a lot of things that were necessarily left out for the book/movie to get the corporate support that it did).

Thanks for sharing your gratitude!