Everyday make an effort to consciously think about and give thanks for the bounty in your life. There is the love of friends and family, good health, food to eat, clothes to wear. Beauty is an ever present emanation of Love and you can see it everywhere - if you look. Kindness abounds and if you recognize it, you will feel the grace of the gesture. Sure, everyone has experienced some cruelties, but weigh the majority of experiences you have had and count them as gentle gifts given for learning's sake. The heartbreak you have felt, the disappointment with which you have wrestled, the wretchedness you have worn, the sorrow you have carried, have all served somehow to lift your consciousness in the end. You survived what didn't kill you, and you are stronger for it. If you look toward the good, toward the uplifting, you may begin to notice more gracious and benevolent encounters with human and invisible emissaries of the divine.

And even when your encounters are seemingly not what you would want them to be, see through them to that which is called goodness. Count everything as bounty. This can turn the tide.