I have been buying mining contract with Genesis mining since 2016, I became serious with Genesis mining investment because I was inspired by TREVO James videos on YouTube. My daily payout is growing because I keep upgrading bitcoin , Ethereum and Dash coin hashpower power with my spare money, sometimes with part of my earned income. I am happy today because my daily payout is boosting my daily income and expenditure and helping me gain financial Independence. I am also very happy because Trevo James invitation to Genesis mining farm is a evidence that Genesis mining is real. Thank you Trevo James. Thank you Macho Streng and thank you Genesis mining and also Teemit for this opportunity to express my feelings.
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And join me in Genesis mining
And use my discount code to get 3% discount
Here is the code guys QDLYsV
I am curios if we set the currencies increase of value aside is it really profitable with cloudmining? or is it just as good to invest directely in Ethereum etc.? Also is it a good time to "get in" right now?
Grateful for reply
Yeah it's a good time. The best way to go about mining contract is to regularly re invest and buy mining contract with your spare money, you keep growing your dividend. You never no when know when mining deficulty will be less. The growth of cryptocurency also means more money
Mining investment is not a one time thing. Bitcoin mining is life time payout. Others have 2 years contract. I started Ethereum mining with just 29$ I keep reinvesting with my spare money. Money that is not critical to me. Now I have 400$ hashpower upgrade, and I continue upgrade regularly