
I like this answer.

None of the mentioned phenomenons will ever be fully understood by a single group of people. Sure we currently have an understanding of gravity, but our understanding of gravity is limited to the force of gravity on earth. It is highly probable that gravity is a completely different force on planets that have not been discovered or examined thus far. The concept of life itself is subjective by nature which eliminated the potential for anyone to have a "factual" and correct concept of life. The concept of life also has the potential to vary among other planets as well. For all we know there could be organisms that have a completely different biological structure than all life forms we have encountered so far.

I hadn't the need for you to delineate it to me, I understood perfectly. Or at least, I thought I did until you just said that we can have an understanding of gravity...

We don't. It is still a theory, one that many still argue is bullshit.

Sorry about that wasn't trying to necessarily explain it to you specifically. I was just trying to give some explanation behind my original comment.