Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued.... How Trump Duped the Media with the Q Conspiracy.

in #great6 years ago

 The Q movement was a outgrowth of the meme wars leading up to the last [2016] election when mugshots of HRC tripping all over herself helped DJT win "Bigly."  This administration had a huge task on it's hands draining the Swamp and did not want to throw away this asset, but rather grow it and make it a permanent tool to use vs the Main Stream Media.  Think of it as another Twitter outlet for the DJT.

How do you grow the "meme" army?  Feed it information and keep it involved in the "Revolution."  And you thought that the Obama and his tech giants had it all figured out in 2008.  HRC would be President today instead of DJT if that was true.  How did we know Q was real?  Faith, But later, as Q says:"Future proves past." Q's intel type question format gave hints of future events that too often happened.  The drama of this soon built up as more followers signed up.

The Las Vegas shooting, false flag or not, was another driving force, with folks looking for more information and hoping Q would provide it. Then a school shooting on the same day folks are shot leaving NSA HQ. The Deep State was on the warpath.  I started watching Q right after the Las Vegas shooting.  And I am glad I did, because Q was 1-2 months, yes months, ahead of the news.  Slowly, at first, the media was forced to address the Q revolution.  It reminds me of a Ghandi quote.

"First they make fun of you, then they fight you and then you win." We are at the "Winning" stage. Timed with their attention many Q proofs were posted. Because of the publicity that the deep state forced on us, the Q movement is now 10 times larger. 

A Q proof just connects these "intel" posts to Trump in ways that cannot be denied.  So the new followers cannot believe what the MSM is saying about Q.  They in turn go out and bring their friends into the movement.  Books will be written about this.

Q has also turned the media in directions that Q wants as well. This is proved by the recent "Pro" Sessions opinions coming from all of the MSM outlets. We'll see how the MSM likes their "Jailer" when Sessions drops the hammer on their overlords.  Followed by the hammer falling on them in the MSM for participating in Sedition and Treason. You only need two witnesses for treason and we have millions. The truth just has to be exposed to the masses. That is happening now with the De-classify.

Is it any surprise that 4 Democrats, Schiff, Pelosi, Warner and Feinstein are writing the DIA & DOJ and telling them to ignore Trump's De-classification order?  In clear violation of Section II of the US Constitution.  Do you see why the Kavanaugh vote is so important?

Q Post 2248 mentions DJT's tweet about UK and Australia complaining about the De-classification?  Also brings up how it all will tie in Obama and Hillary with Sedition, if not Treason.   We can hope.  But it does explain their hysteria.


Democrats win ties in our system as of now.  Because of that they abuse the Justice system with their blatant hypocrisy.  And now, like with Herman Cain in the 2012 GOP primaries, they falsely accuse Kavanaugh to prevent his appointment.  Machiavellian.


When Trump starts the real downhill portion of the swamp draining operation, the Deep State will attempt to stop it in the Courts. With Kavanaugh, we win, they lose. Elections have consequences and the "coup" officially ends.

So ends the lesson.  Q has brought us far, now the American people have an important battle ahead. Patriots go vote in the Mid Term elections on November 6th.  If you want to see these folks held accountable and some jailed, then Republicans need to win and hold the Congress.    If you do not want to see this, you can vote on the 7th of November.  Really.