Salvation and benefit

in #great6 years ago (edited)

Salvation is the state of being saved from the power of evil . salvation is a gift wholly free. Once you pay a little , even as little as one kobo , it is no more a gift. The bible says , for the wages of sin is death , but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord. ( Rom. 6 : 23) see also ( Eph 2:8-9). Salvation is by His grace and grace alone. Grace is the unmerited Favour of our God in Christ Jesus. Jesus also said, i am the door; by Me if any man enters in he shall be SAVED, and shall go in and out, and find pasture....., my sheep hear my voice , and i lnow them , and they follow Me : and i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish , neither shall any man pluck themout of my hand . my father, which gave them to me, is greaterthan all , and no man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers hand ( john 10:9,27-29).
God is a rewarder of them that deligently seek Him ( Heb. 11:6b) Reward is defined in english dictionary as a thing that you are given because you have done good or work hard . Reward cwn be lost , if you bury your talent s and live a wasted life : Jesus Himself talked of " REWARD" as GREAT in heaven. ( Matt. 5: 12b) We dont need to struggle , fight , and hate each other because of some doctrines or denominational differences as this shall not earn us REWARDS. What will earn us result is the quality of work we do in the kingdomservice as seen in (1Cor 3:11-15) Remain Blessedjune10picture.jpg