Dorito Mode - with a side of manure sandwich...

in #greatness6 years ago


Got lit up this weekend Christmas Tree style - and have discovered two things.

One dorito mode and the other is manure sandwiches...

Both of which we perceive as normal, generally accept in our lives as "a part of life".

If you want to normalize it, I assure you no judgement here, I am guessing however you are experiencing a life based on your own ignorance. You have never either had someone, or accepted someone that told you that your normal is not supposed to suck. I mean when was the last night American's had to actually fight for anything?

Have you improved your life today?


Have you watched netflix, vegged out on some sort of purposeless entertainment, kicked back a few drinks, scrolled through some social media platform out of boredom, ignored some challenge at work or in your family...if so no problem...thats just called dorito mode. Being content consuming 'normal'...and nothing changes. Circumstances will change, maybe improve, probably worsen...but you find contentedness in your mindless habits. Similar to watching television while eating a bag of doritos/icecream/munchies = dorito mode

Wake Up!

Your normal is full of a bunch of manure sandwiches. Your eating crap on a normal basis and masking the nastiness with mindless dorito mode. Instead, make a choice to figure out how to deal with your manure sandwiches. It's probably going to include reconciling a relationship, choosing to be vulnerable, forgiving someone, squaring away your belief system with the Deity...whatever it is, you got to make a choice to engage it today -

or you can eat manure sandwiches and pretend your not...

peace out friends - live big and choose greatness


It's incredible not just engaging!