If I go there ill stay there for 4 weeks, this way the airbnb rates are quite good. I prefer an entire apartment and I do most of the cooking myself, do not go out to eat very often. Do not care to much about the larger cities, I want to be somewhere near the middle so I can drive to both sides of the island. Preferable with a beach that is due west for sunsets ;)
I was in chersonssos when I was 16! I will keep your tips on mind thank you!
Still have to decide if I'm going directly to Asia or go via Crete first. Will check what is cheaper
I am so bad in orientation , but on the side where i just talked about you can see the sun coming up very well, agia pelagia is known for that, but to go under I think you have to be on the other side of Crete, loads of little nice villages for sure! but the road is bad, going from one place to the other is not so evident. When you want cheap flights, the season stops end October and so do cheap flights. When you go over from Athens you have to take the plane or by boat, a night boat! that is a total different experience! :-) Also taverns shut their doors from end of the season, in a place like agia pelagia, that is horrible, because it looks like a ghost town then. If you would like to stay in Fodele, a very back to basis studio, or when lucky apartment you can find at katarina Gnarie, domenico apts. there are more places but more expensive. Realise in the evening, you will only see greeks sitting in front of their house or at the cafenuon where they also serve them lambchops :-) While writing I feel so homesick !! that really is my village. In Agia Pelagia you will find nice apartments at la Scala they also had airbenb possobillitys. Nice apartments close to the beach not all the apts have seaview so if you want that you will have to aquire for that, but you are so close by the sea that it hardly will be a problem, or you stay at sirena, studios as apartments no air b en b. With these last people you have to discus the price! do not agree with first one. Horrible thing to say, but it is like that, even me who they know for 30 years first got a much higher price, when I said sorry that is to much I look else where they came back with a cheaper price, but by that time I allready booked Scala. Whitch had much better beds. 1 month in Crete you lucky lucky man! :-)