Canal of Corinth after a strong rain...
7 years ago in #greece by liondani (69)
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Greece is a place which give you many opportunities to encounter such beautiful scenery. I’m from India and I love travelling Greece very much. I’m a history lover. I saw many beautiful and magnificent antique structures in Greece. Athens and Thessaloniki are very beautiful and viable cities. Greek islands are very beautiful and relaxing. Greek cuisine is wonderful. Sea food restaurants serves wonderful seafoods with affordable prices. In India seafood restaurats are very expensive and the taste of the seafoods are not as good as Greece. I also like eating mezes, seafoods and drinking ouzo at taverna with beautiful Greek songs. Waiters are very serious and professional. In India some waiters are unbuttoned and untalented. Greek people are very kind and friendly. Taxis are Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen, Toyota and Skoda. In Turkey taxis are Fiat Albea and Dacia Logan. You feel safe there. People are warm, hospitable. The prices are reasonable. The food is really great. Many places to visit, eat, swim and relax.
Every time I felt at home with an extremely beautiful country and people that knows how to be happy . I love Athens, I love the Acropolis, I love the islands I simply love Greece. May be because I come from a country with a great past like Greece or may be because they are like Indians in many aspects , I don't know why but I love Greece and that's it..... @liondani surely one of the best place you are staying at because history also started from Greece only . Hollywood movies also show how important Greece is in their movies
Μεγάλο πλήγμα για τα πλοία...Πρέπει να κάνουν τον γύρο της Πελοποννήσου, καταναλώνοντας τεράστια ποσά καυσίμων ( ρυπαίνοντας περισσοτερο) και φυσικά πολλές μέρες παραπάνω ταξίδι και ταλαιπωρία...!!! Ας ελπίσουμε σε γρήγορη αποκατάσταση της ζημιάς !!! Ευχαριστούμε @liondani για την ενημέρωση !!!
anyways looks beAUTIFUL@beyfendi this looks similar to that post
Αγαπημένε μου @liondani . Με τόσα ταξίδια που έχω κάνει λόγω αθλήματος νόμιζα πάντα ότι έχω δει τα πιο όμορφα μέρη, αλλά η φωτογραφία σου για άλλη μία φορά αποδείχνει ότι ζούμε στην πιο όμορφη χώρα του κόσμου. εύχομαι όλα να πάνε καλά και να μην έχει τραυματιστεί κανείς.😊
φανταστικη φωτογραφια @liondani !!! αποδιδει την ομορφια και την μαγια του Ισθμου!!!
Η καταστροφή πρέπει να οφείλετε στο οτι δε συντηρούσαν το κανάλι...
Κι για αυτό δε ακούστηκε τίποτα..
Κρίμα γιατί αυτό το έργο ειναι καμάρι για την Ελλάδα..έγινε με μεγάλο κόπο και όχι με μηχανήματα που υπάρχουνε τώρα..
O Ισθμος εχει μια μαγεια οταν τον βλεπεις!!
Και ειναι λυπηρο να συμβαινει αυτο οταν εχει γινει με πολυ κοπο και αγαπη ! Σε ευχαριστουμε που το ανεβασες αυτο το ποστ γιατι δεν ακουστηκε σχεδον καθολου!Εισαι Μεγαλος αγαπητε μου @lionandi!
@bien thats the point! Before the rain the rocks don't existed!
well its really amazing after a long time saw your post
Really beautiful Greece.
Once check my post please @liondani
well this 6.4 kilometer canal is the world bestest canal and the example of the natural beauty and after this rain it look more beautifull and an example of amaizing beauty of worl
but hope the rain didnot crash any thing and all thing was save because i saw a photo on a site the water cross over from the bridge and i think its a big fear for all these persons who lives near this
can you tell me any thing about this after raining any flood or not?
Amazing how the simplicity of these images can be attractive for everyone including myself. Great job @liondani ....Amazing how the simplicity of these images can be attractive for everyone including myself. Great job my friend.very nice and amazing photo shoots with beautiful natural scenes I personally liked it thanks for sharing.
Greece is a truly wonderful country. I hope I can find a chance to come and see the world one day.
woow its really a wondrfull and too much pretty view this of this canal and the todays best photo on steepshot
if i say true this is my first time to see this canal and this beautifull scene in this post
Also the stones looking in blue water make it more pretty and mindblowing view No doubt the view of canal is incredible beautifull but your photography work is also for appriciate you took this photo from a best angle and make this view more attractive and beautifull @liondani
This is bad the heavy rain, i hope and pray every one is fine in Jesus name amen, and thats a very beautiful canal.
well this is more then amazing i always love your post and admire them you always post ..perfect post thanks for sharing this love it always
fantastic and awesome to see this best pic and we cannot find any example of beautifull lake and canal like this because its really an intresting and totally different canal and place from all others
thanx for sharing this best snap shot here and showing the beauty of corinth canal
Οι αρχές τη Δευτέρα έκλεισαν την εικονική διώρυγα της Κορίνθου, η οποία χρησιμοποιείται κυρίως από εμπορικά πλοία και σκάφη αναψυχής, μετά από κατολίσθηση που προκλήθηκε από έντονες βροχοπτώσεις στην περιοχή. Οι επισκευές αναμένεται να διαρκέσουν έως δύο εβδομάδες, σημειώνοντας σημαντική επιμήκυνση του ταξιδιού των σκαφών που σχεδίαζαν να χρησιμοποιήσουν τη συντόμευση. Το κανάλι μήκους 6.343 μέτρων, το οποίο συνδέει τον Κόλπο της Κορίνθου με την πλευρά του Ιονίου και τον Σαρωνικό Κόλπο από την πλευρά του Αιγαίου, εγκαινιάστηκε στις 25 Ιουλίου 1893 ως ένα από τα στεφανιαία επιτεύγματα ενός κράτους σταθερά στο δρόμο προς Westernization.. @liondani
fabiliously done maviliius amazing post what an photography sir liondoni!
its looks dangerous but beautiful adventurous at the same time..
you are so blessed by jesus that you got the opputunity to encounter such places
some people(like me to be honest) just dreams of being their...
i wish you get more out of life to explore more places @liondani
αυτό είναι πραγματικά πολύ ενδιαφέρον για να πάρει 2 εβδομάδες αυτό σημαίνει ότι έχει ένα θαύμα και υπάρχει το πνεύμα του Θεού που ρέει γύρω από το κανάλι.
Έτσι, οριστικά, ένα θαύμα της γης.
Μερικοί άνθρωποι δεν φοβούνται τον Θεό σε αυτά που δεν πιστεύουν καν ότι ο Θεός υπάρχει .@liondani
Only ships with a width of 58 ft. or less can transit the Corinth Canal.

I have been in Greece one time. It's really great! I love to dance with my Sirtaki. I will come back again soon.
If you want you can listen from here !!!
I have visited about 12 countries. but I could not go to the Greek. I hope to visit Greece one day..
you are really a great photographer i m now your fan and a neww follower of such a great photographer <3 <3woow sir @liondani this is really marvelous and awesome capture you have clicked..
@liondani, said for the shipping industry on that place, hoping they fix it sooner. @aricheta says, greece is beautiful, if i have the money & oppurtunity to go there, i'll go. dreaming to see your landmark, santorini that i only see in poster, it would be great in real life.
manila, philippines
#aricheta #arichetahitler #liondani
awesome canal and god make what a beautiul nature and capture the beauty! pray for every one to be safe and beautiful place ever in greece!it depth 8 m
Length: 6.4 km (4.0 miles) and one way ship can pas in corinth canal!
sir i am here for the first time at your post and found this really amazing loved it
Nature is very beautiful..Nice photographs Sir..thanks for sharing with us..
your travel sport is very beautiful your photography..........@liondani
I can't imagine this is real
Really it's only rainwater? BTW This canal is Looking beautiful
I have never seen such places
Stay blessed @liondani
nice . vote me please, im a comers .please.. thanks
how to take that gamabr? using what tool?
is there anything beautifull than this!
i would like to swim here but i dont know how to swim !
nice picture 😍😍 @liondani
really exceptional canal... i didn't see this type of canal before... thanks for sharing...👍
is it heavy rainfall?
The matter may not be clear to everyone, but you have written it very well.
You said the whole thing so beautifully that it can not be imagined.
You can write a lot better, your praise will be reduced.
Please let us know as you write it, hopefully you will give us a lot of great gifts.
Stay tuned, stay with us. Keep it up your job Sir. Thanks For Your Everything.
I heard about it a couple of hours ago. Ακόμα και έτσι όμως σαν την Κορινθιακή μας γη πουθενά στον κόσμο. Αααα ρε πατρίδα πόσο σ'αγαπώ❤❤❤❤❤
I hope no one was hurt. I didn't hear anything on the news.
wow great post.
hopefully the repair went well
It is really terrible looks scary. But beautiful.Maybe because i fear water alot. Do you work there sir?
Very beautiful and amazing scenery, fantastic...great job my friend, i like it...thanks
Απιστευτο...Δεν ακουσα τιποτα.Ουτε ειδησεις ειδα ουτε ραδιοφωνο σημερα...
Τι καταστροφη ηταν αυτη?
LOoks like heavy rainfall on Canal of Corinth, lots of water standing here :o
This place is awesome I wish I visit this Canal
Very deep canal
Where is it?
Hope one day can traveler there
Ωχχχ!Πως έγινε αυτό; Γιατί δεν κάνουμε σωστή συντήρηση;
Awww...this place is somewher beyond the earth😄
Amazing place.
Wish to visit beautifuk places
I like the color of water.
I hope it will get fixed soon. The nature is so scary when it is angry. It often pays us back for what humans do. It's sad but fair ! Don't you think?
that looks so beautiful but scary sir @liondani..
how can the ship cross on that low canal with stone? or that small terminal is the dead end?