'Corporate greed'' isn't what it is, it is ''Greed enabled by the Government; the sole function of governance''
In a market where there's 0 laws or things stopping you from making roads, 0 fees that crush you before you can start, 0 wage laws that make it completely hopeless (it simply isn't worth that much), 0 restrictions on what kinds you're allowed and not allowed to do (other than having consequences if you kill others through negligence), it becomes far more likely and far more reasonable to undercut, to work alongside, and make a niche for yourself. It becomes massively more likely that big companies will have to do the virtuous and good thing merely because it is the most profitable thing.
Railroads in a government?
We'll pay you for every kilometre.
So they build it as long and as winding as they can.
Furthermore, almost all the politicians are former corporates, are promised corporate positions, and will simply make way, way, way more money for themselves if they cave to bribes, if they blackmail, if they x and y.
This doesn't work if you have no sole legal authority, it doesn't work if you have no legislative authority, it doesn't work nearly as well if there's no ban on non-government roads, trains, it doesn't work if there's no subsidies and rebates to be given, it doesn't work if there's no parliament you can bribe into making minimum wage laws.
They can pick anyone else, they can because me the company they want, and they can most likely fight back far more effectively and meaningfully than they ever did.
You cannot win against someone that makes it illegal for you to try, puts millions of dollars of fees in your way if you can get around that, and then on top of that takes anything from 18% - 50% of everything you make, and you're not allowed to say no
That's the government does, all the time. That's why we don't have nuclear. They literally banned uranium mining. They have literally put insane amounts of regulations and laws on so many industries. It is why they uphold patents, and make them longer and longer. It's why they have upheld insulin costs and regulations.
There is no greater incentive than death. The threat of death is extreme and highly likely even in a private system, if you end up killing others unfairly. There would even be companies in which as an insurance they act against murderous people.
Anything more than that is merely controlling what people do, to stop them from trying, and even if it wasn't meant to, it does, and it ends up making it borderline impossible to compete as someone not wealthy, as someone without the time to do the things the current system requires. Your brain and your hands aren't merit: you must pay hundreds of thousands for studying, you must pay millions in regulations standards and checks, you must pay wages that are well above the real worth of something (to jeff bezos, 15 an hour is nothing,l even if the work is truly worth only 7.50, but to a start up of 3 people, 15 an hour is crushing for something only worth 7.50)
And so on...
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splinterboost (60) 9 months ago
terraboost (-2)(1) 9 months ago
Reveal Comment