Good morning friends!
This is not a message I would like to write, but I have no other option.
I have to leave for a few-days trip (one I would really prefer to avoid) and I will be not be around.
My return is due for Tuesday the 3rd, and these days are probably going to be difficult for me.
I will have limited (if any) access to internet, but I have prepared something to keep me motivated so that the days can maybe pass quicker? (hope)
I am starting my very own 5 day motivation and of course you can join by letting me know what keeps you motivated during difficult times or any quotes, images that make your mood.
💙 Have a great time, hope to see your comments below! 💙
Κάποιες δύσκολες μέρες είναι πιο εύκολα να τις ξεπεράσει ένας εύστοχος και γλυκύτατος άνθρωπος όπως εσύ. Όλα καλά Κατερίνα!!
Έχω τις εικόνες σου στο μυαλό μου :)
fuck motivation, discipline is the key :P
Αυτά είναι... Καλημέρα σας... πολύ σωστό..
You will be fine but good “luck” anyway! Your posts will be missed too!
It all depends on what someone considers difficult. There are times when I’d prefer to do intense physical exercise/labor vs make a simple phone call - depending on the nature of the phone call.
Or for example if someone has a fear of heights - standing on the edge of a short stage may be more difficult than making a speech on the same stage in front of a million people.
So it’s about the perception of the individual. For me most difficult things are created by mental blocks. Fear factors that aren’t real but created by the way we see them play-out in our minds, before they actually happen.
While I’m mostly preaching here vs teaching, theorizing vs explaining a practical way to motivate, it’s because for me every scenario is different.
I tend to be motivated when “challenged” but otherwise might not see a need to have done something. At other times I want to be able to try something alone or without someone watching me before I am “motivated” to try it “publicly”. So it all depends!
But, as mr @trumpman noted, and I’m paraphrasing... discipline is key [to motivation]. Or rather discipline is what one needs as opposed to motivation. If you set your mind to something, it can be done. Arki na theleis pragmatika na to kaneis (h na kaneis ton euato sou na pistepsei pos to theleis).
mr trumpman....xaoxoaoxaoxaooxaoxaoxoaoxaoxaoxax
Χαχαχα αρχικά δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω γιατί γέλαγες.... ‘μιστερ’
You are motivated if you have the right why .
κατερινακι καλη επιτυχια και αισια εκβαση σε ο,τι και αν κανεις αυτες τις μερες που θα λειψεις και καλη επιστροφη!!...καλη δυναμη!!!
Καλημέρα Κατερίνα...καλά να περάσεις ότι κι αν κάνεις..
Motivational is OK
But if you don't have what to motivate to you... Then you need to discipline yourself
I motivate myself with words like
nice post