Macmeal Splinterlands seo updated
Because hive.blog is a new platform the questions were can you optimise posts so that they are visible on the searchengines and seo comes in the picture. Seo means Search Engine Optimised if you write a post you can hit number 1 ranking. If you do that with all your posts your posts become important not only for the blockchain but also to users outside the blockchain. There are many youtube video's and cources you can follow how you can make better posts. Short topic posts around 300 words are not important anymore. There are a lot of posts on almost every topic you can find. How can you stand out now? By posts with a minimum of 1000 words but van also be just 5000 words. Well Posting everyday several posts with 5000 words is a lot. a normal person writes around 300-400 words an hour that would be 10 hours or more for a post. Well That is something It isn't done easily so I'm trying to get there with around 1000 words a post instead of around 200 words. I'm just diving into the seo kind of writing so it wil go along the way. You will also see now and then that some old posts that will be rewritten. This will also get more hits.
The Macmealshow
The Macmeal show was created with the intention to let everyone see how far you could come with only the bought game steemmonsters/splinterlands. Now 1,5 years later has the account grown from 15 to 100 steem, the account doubled its worth with the hardfork of steem to 2 chains steem and hive chain. There are 2 bloggingplatforms with the same amount of crypto in it. The crypto in it is earned by posting on the steem blockchain with several topics and selling splinterlands cards. The Macmealshow was created because I was hungry and I wanted a BigMac menu. Instead of buying the hamburger menu I drove to home and bought the game Steemmonsters later rebranded to Splinterlands. So instead of eating something nice I really really like BigMac it's delicious. I dont know how they do it but it tastes great with a chocolate shake... but lets see what it gave me. It gave me a steem account some basic cards and yes I was a early adopter so with every card I got a card instead of dec (the internal coin of splinterlands), alchemy or legendary potions, orbs and yes of course also cards. I don't mind it is the game developing itself.
I played against the following gamers
The daily quest is this time is win 5 battles with the life splinter
The battle against @ALZUR

I missed the daily quest so I guessed what summoner I should choose. I chose the wizard of eastwood wich has minus 2 in armour for your opponents. @alzur was stronger then me because he has leveled the cards. Because the carsd are leveled the oponent has less chance to win. This was a case of stamped into the ground. The first who died was my tank followed by my healer and my sneak attack cards. My sneak attack cards couldn't scratch the last card of @alzur because his level6 speed and mine where level 3 so my strategy attack the last card was foreseen and a deck well played.
The battle against @SHENGAME-A3

This time the good summoner (the life splinter) was chosen. @shengame-A3 played with the fire summoner and won the battle. This was a level1 against level1 battle so I would have more chance to win. The old decks the decks I normally play with is the fire summoner not that great to play with at level 1, but he kicked my ass with the new fire summoner cards. I chose this time for armor repair card instead of a healer, this was a bad call by me but sometimes it's just the right decision. I chose the armor repair card because the rule weak hit armor first. My armor repair card died first and with no armor repair it was a battle set to lose. The serpetine spy with his 2 attack power slaid my armor repair card. This card has the opporunity, it allowes the card to attack the card with the lowest health from any position. My tank got the last blow from spark pixies, this card has 2 attack power and 6 stepping speed. The tank of @shengame-a3 living lava card with 3 attackpower some shield and health was slain by air elemental a card with 3 attack power bowman and 6 stepping speed. The goblin fireballer stepped up as his tank and as a surpise the peacebringer that stepped up as my tank lost it totally and was slain by spark pixies. Air elemental was drawn to the front not being able to attack as bowman it was a battle lost, spark pixies shot air elemental with the last shot and the battle was decided.
The battle against @VLADIMGOR

With Tyrus PaladiumMalric Inferno and won the battle. This was a level 1 against level 4 battle so I got owned like a Boss. It was greendeliverence against Fightcats battle and Greendeliverence lost.
Armorsmith Got owned by Fire Beetle. Fire Beetle has snipe, it allowes Fire Beetle to attack the card without attack not at the first position. Tyrus Paladium got the last blow from Goblin Shaman, Goblin Shaman is leveled to level 5 and has 1 magic power, weak&slow ability and 2 stepping speed. Divine Healer stepped up as tank to protect me but a healer as tank? yes you already know that isn't her best choice. Divine Healer got owned by Serpentine SoldierSilvershield Archers found himself in a difficult situation. We as tank? No no nooooo Run friend run! Before they could do anything they were blown by Fire Demon, he had no mercy and unleached his wrath laughing when he had a killshot. Air Elemental went crazy and thought well it was a battle played against an overpowered team. His last thoughts fainted in silence when he got his last blow from Kobolt Miner. Kobolt Miner is level 5 with 2 attack power, the sneak ability and has 3 stepping speed. and died her heales and love will be missed. Serpentine Soldier the Tank of @VLADIMGOR is at level 4 with 3 attack power he has a shield and evade and 5 stepping.
Battlelink Splinterlands website
Splinterlands | Splinterlands Mobile | HowToPlay | Youtube | 3Speak | LBRY | 3Speak | Patreon | 3Speak | WitnessVote
Stay tuned for updates this post needs editing
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