Greendelivernce witness update. New hive witness update as of 29-05-2020
Server changes
The server will be running also the hive-feed add on. In time there will be also a main server where the witness server will synchronize with. This if possible in the same rack as the main vps. This would witness the block faster. So it would be like this the main server synchronizes with the main server of the hive blockchain, the wittnesses communicates with the main server The network would not be overloaded and it would be safe because only the witness server would communicate with that server.
Server update
Today the server is still updating. I think I have a solution when this would go wrong again. I know from the last time, I changed the serverlist where it synchronizes from. The first time I was busy with it for weeks before I just removed some servers from the list. It is a standard list it has to be changed. Maybe that way it would be much faster too. I hope I don't have to setup the server again, but we will see it is nifty stuff to setup a witness server it's not follow one document and it is ready. To setup the server you have to follow one document and switch to the witness MIRA document like I did in my last post. The server is running for 1 day now and is at 37%
Server update
I was writing this document and I wanted to check the server where is was again I thought 35% but when I checked I got an error. There is no space left on the /dev/shm how would this be possible? As it was some time ago when I setup the server this being also the first mira and a server with just enough space to run the machine (it would be enough looking at the specifications needed) I think personnaly if the blockchain is 250GB you download the blocks in front you need 250Gb so you need a minimum of 600Gb of space or the blocks has to be compressed somehow. You download a blockchain and you will rebuild it. Maybe my thoughts are wrong but you have twice the information on the drive.
I know now what happened, the /dev/shm folder was too small you have to resize it. I took a third document that from @someguy123 and did a resize and changed the swappiness of linux. Well lets start again with the rebuild of the blockchain.
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