Upgrading Hive Witness to Mira 1.1

Greendelivernce witness update. New hive witness update as of 28-05-2020

Greendeliverence Dutch
MacMeal show

Hive Witness Update First post

Updating the Mira server

As I mentioned in my first post I'm changing my witness to MIRA following the document @deathwing made I believe the first witness update to Mira document ever made. I was very glad about it because Mira is a breakthrough in block-chain development. Low server costs, everything in a local database instead of in the memory that expands and expands forever and ever. As an investor and looking for a long term commitment this would be a bottleneck in the future development of Hive, with Mira this is solved.

Witness server budgeting

The witness server will be the primary server. When I reach a year's budged that is paid, the server budged will be expanded to an extra server with a higher tier. When this budged is reached I will be ordering a new VPS server this will be the Primary server. After installation of this server the server will be promoted to Primary server and the other server will be demoted to backup server with price feed on it. As I mentioned in my first document the budget will be funded by posts, gifts and blockwitnessing.

Server update

After the last update I said it would be online today at the end of the day but after checking this morning the replay halted or was ready I thought. This would be impossible because the data that was added in time would be much bigger so it would take at least till today at the end of the day. After I started the server I couldn't tell if the replay was finished. I started server and the server began replaying again from zero. I'm from where I started two day's ago. I hope this won't be a neverending story.


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