It's time to choose what seeds to plant in my greenhouse. Starting them now will give me a lot of nice starter plants in 4-6 weeks when freeze risks are over. My little green house has a peaceful, cozy atmosphere. I like going in there really early in the morning. I lightly prune and water some plants, pick off celery or rosemary leaves, or a few jalapenos. Only grow what you actually consume. I like keeping my greenhouse productive, neat and clean. I have citrus (orange) trees, lettuce, jalapenos, cilantro, dill, oregano, thyme, air potatoes and turmeric.
I really like your setup there! How have your orange trees done in the past? I transplanted some cherry trees in my yard last year, and they unfortunately didn't make it through the winter.
I have 3 orange trees I keep potted and at a 6 foot height in my green house. They are protected in times of freeze and during the summer I just open up the green house and if I have too, I put a mist in the air that drops the temperature down 20 degrees (They do this at Disney on the walkways in 100 degree temps). I fertilize them and prune them and they are very happy. I get oranges, and lots of blossoms are on 2 of them already for this year. My fertilizer is worm tea from my worm farm and a compost mix of kitchen scraps and cow manure/dirt mix. I'm sorry to say, this pic is not of my green house, but I'll get one and put it up. Thanks!
Looks beautiful! Love the colors and hanging plants.
Upvote back please thank you😉