This is a well written and in my opinion, excellent piece that digs deep into the mind of the reader. I can definitely see you going places on this platform for sure!!! Thank you for entering this contest event hosted by your friends over at @greetersguild! Please, continue to post more of your awesome work daily, as you can post daily, given it is a new entry each time. Also, you have a great amount of talent and i believe you would be a good fit for the Steemit Greeters Guild if you are up for working within the community and growing exponentially with the group, as we all grow. If ionterested, please reach out to me :)
At any rate, please put more of your work up. I love it! Thanks again for participating in this event
I appreciate your kind words and your advices. I will try to post daily, but sometimes I just don't have enough time to write every day just like today..But there are days when I put couple of posts for one day, so I will try to find some balance.
I'm interested of course, and I would love to hear all the details :)
Thank you and have a great day :)
Feel free to add me on discord as LuckyDev#1969, I'd love to talk to you about the possibilities within SGG :) Thank you for all you have contributed!!!
I've added you. Thank you :D