
I think there is no perfect system. How far do you take private property when we share the same air and water? Shitting in your own back yard affects everyone. We need some areas that nobody owns so they can be left to nature as we greedy humans cannot have everything. There is a collective responsibility for keeping the planet habitable. We need more cooperation and less nationalism. It may mean having less of some things, but most of us in the 'first world' have more than enough and it's not viable for the rest of the world to have that excess too.

How far do you take private property when we share the same air and water?

What is your opinion on the response I gave along these lines, earlier in this part of the discussion?

What is the point you are taking from the video? We are seeing a downgrading of environmental protection in the US by Trump appointing business people to run things. Of course they will go for what is profitable. I get that countries have to be competitive, but if they work across borders they can get general improvements. The alternative is like a farting competition in sealed room where nobody wins. I worry that similar motives are behind the Brexiteers in the UK. Profits for a few at the expense of the many.