I received my first payout in almost 2 months! It was for 44 GRC, so not all that much for nearly 2 months of researching diseases in WCG and studying blackholes in Universe@home.
And I have some plans for building a new mining station with old PCs at my office. I'm getting a little creative with the setup too. After discovering that our wifi connects directly to the outside and doesn't block the BOINC port (unlike the wired domain network), I'm planning on using an old laptop to grab internet, then enable Internet Connection Sharing on it and share across the LAN to a desktop machine. Now, I found in some old returned machines some network cards, so I plan on installing them as well and sharing internet across them too. I think I have 2 of them. This - if it works - will allow me to daisy chain 4 PCs together, and all sharing the laptop's wifi connection.
Also, with all that extra harddrive space, I might start doing burstcoin too! We'll see what happens in the coming months.
One other idea, you can easily buy a USB-WIFI dongle for very little money...
Or you could change the BOINC port to one allowed. Anyway the deadlines are quite generous in both projects (with some exceptions here and there) so you could just download tasks for 10 days and upload then whenever you want.
Haha! That's clever! I might do that!