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RE: Gridcoin Mandatory v3.6.0.2 - V8 Staking Time Estimate Update

in #gridcoin8 years ago

Forcing investors to have their wallet online to earn interest sounds like a great short term solution to make sure we are securing the network properly while a better solution is figured out to allow miners to earn gridcoin with a low balance. Having 1.5% interest was a great way to bring people to gridcoin initially but I think we have passed the point of allowing people to earn gridcoin while not contributing at least to the network.


Having 1.5% interest was a great way to bring people to gridcoin initially but I think we have passed the point of allowing people to earn gridcoin while not contributing at least to the network.

Exactly. With researchers unable to secure the network from tomorrow onward (V8 is almost here!), we need the investors to be online to secure the network on the behalf of everyone.