I run a threadripper 1950X and am doing a little experiment see here and here. I try to run 12 (once were 14) projects and compare their output (here on gridconstats.eu).
I would like to get the CPU-time and Credit I receive per task out of the files provided by the projects to compare the projects but I have not found out how I could do that. Do you have any idea?
If you may be interested in some factors that influence the output short-term, then my second link might provide some information.
Ok, I looked into this a bit. There is no way to get <project_url>/results.php to return an xml file, even though a request was made to the BOINC developers several years ago.
I think that I can work up a bash script to output the results.php data for a specific host to a text file. I should have something in a day or two.
Sounds great! I am used to processing data that way. Unfortunately, have not learned any way of getting there yet.
But as soon as it is in a table, it is a pleasure to make nice plots out of it :)