Yesterday, I fed my son and watched the channel "Discovery Science", a transfer about leukemia and blood cancer. I heard familiar words for myself: CERN and BOINC. I was interested, because I was told that in the treatment of leukemia and blood cancer due to these associations there is progress - 3 recovered for the year.
But the treatment did not use radioactive methods of treatment. The treatment consisted in the fact that the patient was destroyed by immunity and another person's blood cells were injected, which at the gene level were changed and programmed to destroy diseased cells in the spinal cord. The treatment is experimental, but there are results.
Now studies are being conducted to ensure that the body does not reject transplanted blood cells. The company that conducts the research claims that if there remains the support of CERN and BOINC (state support has been turned off), it is hoped that experimental treatment of leukemia and blood cancer within the next 10 years will become public.
I looked at the CERN news site. And I saw that CERN is not only LHC, it's also CERN-MEDICIS and ISOLDE, and many more interesting things. When I learned this, I decided to share this with you. I think that the LHC @ home project is not only LHC, but also a lot of useful things.
Thank you for your time and attention.