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RE: GRCStarter@Home Proposal

in #gridcoin8 years ago (edited)

You bring up some valid reasons that I had not thought about, however, I don't ever see this complexity being added to the current system.

Maybe it could be something you modify in the BOINC credit system itself when you setup your BOINC project. But remember it has to be crunching something worthy or it will never make the whitelist.

If the aim of this is to make it easier for New users to stake I think there are better alternatives. One might be to use delegated proof of stake similar to STEEM and BitShares and have the rewards paid out regularly using a transaction so that staking is no longer required.

However, I'm not sure what would happen to the price if people no longer required a balance to stake research rewards.


Meh -- who cares about the price. We're here for science and that is what is going to bring monetary value.

The goals of GRCStarter@home are as mentioned above:

helping projects that need help and helping new users

Its priorities are:

  • GRCStarter's overall computing objective is to support researchers or project heads with limited or sporadic Work Units (WU), or few volunteers working on their project.
  • GRCStarter's second priority is to introduce new users to the different projects and how to choose the right one for their hardware.
  • GRCStarter's third priority is to help new users build a base magnitude.
  • GRCStarter's fourth priority is to educate new users on the inner workings of grid computing, BOINC, PoS, and DPoR.

This means that all actions taken by GRCStarter will seek to fulfill a top priority before those below it. If it can achieve multiple priorities at the same time, all the better.

So really, GRCStarter is about helping researchers and projects - BOINC - while education new users about BOINC and Gridcoin.

Delegated PoS, or SuperNodes, is something completely unrelated to this project = ), but something I support looking into for GRC.

In relation to magnitude, the point is to reduce the Mag charge time from a few weeks to a few days. We all know how frustrating it is to start the client and not get rewarded as your mag charged up (because your RAC has to build).

I think the best option is to completely rewrite BOINC and GRC as a unified platform (a volunteer oriented grid computing incentive based blockchain), but who here has the money to fund that?!