Yeah, I just listened into half of the hangout - it went way off topic, became vulgar and accused people of conspiracies/circle-jerking - not the spirit of the GRC hangouts I've come to remember. I've removed Steemit auto voting rules from the parties involved temporarily.
Just because someone's got a large steemit account doesn't mean they shouldn't be reimbursed for their Gridcoin work/expendatures, that's simply not how expenses/IRL work. I found the scrolling through vortacs wallet page to be in poor taste.
Hangouts should really be kept short, on-topic & neutral/non-biased.
Shouldn't the recording have ended at 2hrs 47mins? Seems the rest is post-hangout & should be off-the-record, no?
I love that I'm getting punished for this. Guilty by association.... ><
What? I was there listening and only thing with her was a mention of that political videos of sorts.
i think a lot of things are being misunderstood/conflated. i don't consider the upvoting to be a circle jerk... it's about how seriously certain groups of people take each other over the next. i don't see anybody posting a bunch of topics to the hangout like before. mind you, cm did most of the posting before... lol. members like brod have to hunt them down and link to them. we used to propose things and talk about them in the hangouts. that doesn't happen anymore. i'm showing up every time, where are the people with the proposals?
it has been decided that i will "professional up" the hangouts, and maybe pursue a different podcast for more controversial/opinion-based subject matter. i hope in return i can see a little more contribution and attendance from members, instead of complaining after the fact.
also, i do hope you mean "temporarily", as Pepper had nothing to do with this. she is making great content lately, and i can't help but feel that is an overstep.
let's promise to remove that part from the edited hangout, obviously. fkinglag has already agreed to cut the official recording before the "afterparty" -which was a good point- and i have no problem being more impartial while still getting my point across. although, i'm sure there is an audience that appreciates my ability to say the hard things.
onward and upward. :D
I would rather see you do something about helping like you have done before because your criticism isn't exactly the most valid right now. I don't think you should be making positions on what we should be doing. I have been trying to reform lots of the gridcoin hangouts and I get little to no support from most people. Including you, especially. Which, I have found disappointing and really sad.