lot of empty blocks
Better than full blocks, but yeah more activity would be great.
staking is more difficult
Buy GRC to increase your rate of staking, it's pretty dang cheap right now & exchanges are low trading volume :/
going more and more to non-crunchers
Nah, the recent CBR change means far less is going to huge whales these days. More users means it's spread over more users, if you're solely profit oriented then buying is the better move at these really low prices.
Today is a rare day I can't agree with you ;)
Full blocks and congested network is a nightmare, but it's a bit like saying better to loose a hand than a leg or vice versa. Both sucks.
In the far future it could be true. But currently it's other way around. If there would be still interest of 1.5% in place, 100k balance would receive from the inflation slightly over 1500 per annum, now it's over 3000 pa. However, every staking node is benefiting, whether large or smallish, but not too small as due to higher Diff very tiny ones have little chance to stake at all.
Without disputing your comments, I agree with cm-steem that the whales are not benefitting from CBR, it is the orcas who do. On the other hand, I do agree with you and @steemmillionaire that plankton for sure doesn’t benefit from CBR but fortunately we still have pools.
Since beginning of last year, the GCR value has dropped with a factor 20. Before the CBR implementation, you needed 1000 to 3000 GRC to stake regularly now it is between 20,000 to 40,000 GRC. With the current market price, this requires the same investment from a USD perspective compared to beginning of last year.
Some major whales are still staking with millions per address, effectively burning potential earnings - they used to make tens of thousands of GRC once or twice per month, where as now they make much less until they take splitting their staking balances seriously.